November is the right time to change from summer to winter tyres. That’s because winter is just days away, and we could be caught unawares by snow, ice, or frozen slush at any time. There is no specific date to switch to winter tyres. However, to be on the safe side, even in adverse weather conditions, it is best to think about it now.

For everything to go well, and for both car and driver to be happy, we need to make the right, informed choice. The team, one of Microinvest’s partners and experts with years of vulcanization experience, know all about what the perfect winter tyres should look like. We didn’t hesitate to ask for their expert advice. So, if you haven’t switched to winter tyres yet, let’s choose them together.

How to choose winter tyres? 6 RECOMMENDATIONS

As different as cars are, so are the tyres on the market, depending on model, size, thickness, and even season. For the cold season, we have two options: winter tyres or all-season tyres, both recommended for the period from December 1st to March 1st. To make the right choice, here are the TOP 6 useful tips from experts to keep in mind before you start re-tyre:

  1. Ideally, we should switch to winter tyres before temperatures drop below 7°C. So don’t delay this process too long. By the way, at you can get tyres on credit, at the most favorable conditions, with the financial support of Microinvest.
  2. The choice of winter tyres should be made strictly according to the dimensions of the wheels. These are specified in the car’s technical documentation.
  3. Pay attention to tread depth, an important criterion on which tyre performance depends. New winter tyres have a tread depth of 7 – 9.5 mm with a wear limit of up to 4 mm.
  4. Don’t forget to consider tyre safety features such as braking performance on wet surface conditions, fuel consumption, and noise level. This criterion is marked with letters from A to G, with the best-performing being class A tyres, which offer up to 30% shorter braking distance, 7.5% better fuel economy, and optimum noise levels below 70 dB.
  5. Another recommendation relates to the wear-life of winter tyres. According to experts, winter tyres should be changed about once every 6 years to make sure they give you the same performance without traces of wear.
  6. We recommend opting for quality winter or all-season tyres, which will give you both safety on the road and a higher level of durability. A good set of winter tyres will allow you to maintain control of your vehicle even in adverse conditions, to be safe in curves and long stretches, and to have a good grip on the road, thanks to the special composition and coating.

At you will find the most varied assortment of tyres in all price categories, which you can purchase on favorable credit from Microinvest. Equipped with high-quality tyres, you’ll face winter without fear, and roads in rain or snow will no longer be a challenge.

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