To start the repair, in addition to the whole list of materials, you need a few power tools, which will make the work easier and more efficient. Grinding, drilling, screwing, plastering… the list can be completed endlessly. To keep things simple, Pandashop, Microinvest’s trusted partner, has revealed which tools are essential for repair work.

So, here are the tools you need to get the repair done:

  1. Demolition hammer. An indispensable tool for drilling holes in hard surfaces (walls or ceilings made of concrete, brick). Demolition hammers are widely used in the early stages of repair work, in operations, such as percussion drilling, chiseling, etc. The diameter of the holes depends on the accessories it is equipped with.
  2. Screw-driving machine. It’s another useful tool in every home, especially if you’ve taken up home repair. Versatile and lightweight, this power tool allows us to screw everything we need without having to drill holes in the wall beforehand. Moreover, with additional accessories, it can also perform other functions such as cutting, grinding, and milling.
  3. To bring the walls and ceiling to the required surface, we need a grinder. Here we can choose from several options for different purposes, namely: concrete grinders, belt grinders, vibratory grinders, eccentric grinders, and even cylindrical grinders. Some models are equipped with a dust extractor for maximum convenience.
  4. Before use, liquid materials for repair, such as mortar, concrete, adhesives, paint must be mixed to the required homogeneous form. That’s where the mixers come in handy. Thanks to the ergonomic, double-handle construction, the mixers are easy to use, providing maximum efficiency.
  5. The tool that helps us to love painting, even if it is large areas, such as walls or ceilings. Just load the paint into the special tank and get to work. For maximum convenience, some models are equipped with an extendable arm, paint roller, and other useful accessories.
  6. Industrial vacuum cleaner. When the repair is done, the most unpleasant stage follows – cleaning the room of dirt and dust. Not if you have at hand an industrial vacuum cleaner, which will cope with any dirt, quickly and efficiently.

By the way, today you no longer have to go to the store to choose your entire set of power tools, Pandashop brings them to your door. Just choose the product on the website and place your order. Microinvest comes to you with financial support, offering you the necessary credit for repairs to transform your home into a comfortable place for the whole family.

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