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At Microinvest your PERSONAL DATA is as safe and secure as in a safe deposit box

Imagine that you told something very valuable to your friend, and he “shared” your secrets with everyone around. You’ll feel betrayed and disappointed, won’t you? It’s the same with personal data. Whether you sign a contract or get a consultation, the companies you plan to work with must be fair and honest towards you and […]

We don’t have VIP credits – we treat everyone with RESPECT

On a plane, in a hotel, or bank we all face the situation of dividing customers into VIP (business) or ECONOM, individuals, or legal entities. It is not very fair and frustrating – everyone wants to be treated up to par regardless of the cost of the service or product. At Microinvest, a holder of […]

Responsible credit is primarily a BALANCE to avoid excessive debt

What do you think people fear most when they think about credit? First of all, that they will not be able to pay on time or will have to pay much more without any explanation, which will lead to a debt hole. Undoubtedly, any loan is a great responsibility and can be compared to equilibrium. […]

A low loan price does not always guarantee the best OFFER

Who doesn’t like discounts and low prices? Without realizing it, we react to offers with big discounts, later realizing that we have made an unnecessary and even expensive purchase again. How to avoid the temptation to buy the money frog statue, which will only gather dust on the shelf, when its price is so favorable? […]