“Innovative equipment ensures sustainable production, with minimal waste” – Igor Golban, founder of Biantti, Microinvest client

They say that a successful business starts with a hobby. This is how Biantti came into being – a family business that gradually developed and became one of the leading producers of oils and natural products in Moldova, with more than 1000 products in its assortment. To develop his business, the founder of the company, Igor Golban turned to Microinvest non-bank lending organization, which offered him fast and individual financial solutions. Learn the success story of Biantti, a company financed by Microinvest, that grew from a hobby to a successful business.

Igor, how did you decide to start your own business?

The story of our business started in 2005, as a hobby. From Monday to Friday, I worked at my main job, and on weekends I did field work, either sitting behind a tractor or trading at the market, as well as writing and participating in various projects. Biantti is a family business based in Carahasani, where we planted the first plots with walnuts, almonds and sea buckthorn. In 2019, I made an important decision for myself and our company: having a stable job, I realized that I wanted to fully focus on developing my own business to take it to the next level. Since then, we moved our office to the village of Bacioi and decided to build a modernized and automated production facility.

What products does the Biantti brand offer and where can I buy them?

At Biantti, we are proud of the diversity of our products – we have more than 1000! Our main focus is the production of high-quality oils, but our range is much broader: we produce natural juices, vinegar, flour, crispy cereals, pasta, dried fruits, nuts and almonds, as well as lyophilized fruits (an innovative drying method in which fruits are first frozen and then dried under vacuum). We even grow salads using a hydroponic system. One of the unique services we offer is the ability for the clients to bring in their own raw materials and go home with the finished products. Our products can be found at Linella, Kaufland, Local and other markets. We cooperate with many kindergartens, schools and hospitals. Of course, we like to participate in various fairs to meet our clients in person. Currently we export about 15% of our production to countries such as Romania, Estonia, Netherlands, Canada and Germany, and the rest stays on the local market, supporting our economy and meeting the needs of our local clients.

You have invested a lot in specialized equipment. How does this help you optimize your production processes?

Currently, we have a 1000 square meter production area equipped with the latest technology. The entire workshop is equipped with 200 kW solar panels, which allows us to avoid large electricity bills and maximize cost savings. We now employ between 10 and 15 people, which is relatively small compared to the volumes we produce on a monthly basis. This is made possible by our highly efficient, productive and easy to use equipment. We have ten production lines and one of the most valuable and expensive is the line dedicated to juice production. Here we can make juice from any fruit, vegetable or berry. We also produce syrups, vinegar and lemonades on this line. It is important to note that we have sustainable production, with no waste – everything that is left over is reused to make teas and spices.

How do you provide yourself with raw materials? Do you cooperate with farmers from Moldova?

We primarily cooperate with local farmers and try to support Moldovan farmers. It is very important for us to maintain a balance between price and quality, so we work only with quality products. In Moldova we find such raw materials as sunflower kernels, mustard, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, as well as many fruits and vegetables. However, some crops are not grown in our country, so we have to import them, such as sesame, black cumin and others. Our cooperation with both local farmers and international suppliers allows us to diversify our assortment and ensure continuity of production, while meeting the needs of the market and our clients.

How long have you been cooperating with Microinvest and what aspects of cooperation do you like?

I learned about Microinvest at one of the events where the company was a partner. Our first cooperation started two years ago, when we needed financing to buy an equipment. I appreciated the speed and professionalism with which I was served. My interaction with the loan officer was excellent – he always answered all questions and was on call. I contacted Microinvest again this year to purchase a truck and was just as satisfied. The process was easy, convenient and fast – exactly what is important for a business. Just a few hours later I received a message that the money is on the card. I am sure that the cooperation between Microinvest and Biantti will remain as strong and productive in the future.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that holds the international GOLD certificate in the field of customer protection. This signifies a responsible and transparent lending process, fair and transparent financing, and a constructive approach to any request.

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