Casîm Dmitrii

My experience in the agricultural field started with the land processing services that we provided to other farmers. Later, I started to work on my own land. Initially, we had only 5 ha, but gradually we expanded the area. Thus, in 2017, we processed 300 ha, and in 2018 we evolved up to 500 ha […]

Alexandreanu Vasile

I started this business in 2004. It was me and an assistant, with whom we handled all the procedures. The beginning was difficult, but things seemed to look up when we started exporting to Russia. Running a business in Moldova is similar to sailing against the wind, and what I mean here is the phenomenon […]

Nazarenco Vadim

My daily activity deals with both agriculture and commerce. Morning starts in the shop, which is actually a family business, in which all the members are involved. Next, we try to make time to get to the greenhouse where we grow the most delicious vegetables. We distribute all the products between shops, as well as […]

Zanoaga Roman

Our business came to life because we wanted to grow, to do something in Moldova and it has transformed significantly over time. It is a family business and we have been on the market since 1989, and we have come a long way, full of renovations, extensions and upgrades. Initially, the business was very small; […]

Lungu Veаceslav

Due to my wish to stay in Moldova, I started the business by leasing lots of land from the people I knew. Today we process 200 hectares of land. We are a couple in everyday life, as well as in business. We support each other, make all the decisions together and enjoy our achievements hand […]

Crivorucenco Anatolie

I joined the business world 10 years ago, when I attempted to launch my own business for the first time. Basically, I started from scratch and step by step we took loans for feeds, medicines, equipment, in order to ensure a steady pace of business development. From the beginning and until now it is a […]

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