We knew something was missing

That's why we launched the app!

Loans for hard-working people

We are the market leader because we offer a perfect mix of product simplicity, employee energy and personal approach to our customers. For over 21 years, we support Moldovan businesses and individuals who want to improve their quality of life, and in addition to providing financial solutions at the right time, our company is the perfect framework where 300 professionals are developing their careers successfully.

Our Achievements


Business loans

The development and prosperity of your business come first for us. We do not sell loan for business, but offer financial solutions to bring your ideas to life.
Modernization or updating of equipment, new machinery or premises, replenishment of working capital or transport – we will select a suitable loan for you, without distracting from business operations.

Get your free consultation today.

For you and your family

Our goal is to help you and your family have a better life, so we offer responsible financial solutions that are easy to service and will help you bring your plans to life today. All you have to do is to opt for a fast credit online and Microinvest representatives will contact you.

Call now 022 801 701 or

Agro loans Without Collateral

Agriculture is a special area for us. We want you to develop and not waste time looking for financial solutions. Loan for agriculture, up to nine months without any payments, machinery, and equipment at special prices from our partners – all this we will arrange for you without distracting from the business. At the same time, you always have the opportunity to receive subsidies.

Get a free consultation even today.
Please call us at 022 801 701 or

Car loans

Do you want to buy a car but you don’t have enough money?
Forget about bureaucracy, complicated procedures and numerous commissions. We come with a safe and fast solution. Apply online for a car loan and you can get your car today. Bring comfort into your life and your family.

To receive a car loan, call 022 801 701 or

[:ro]Posturile curente[:]

Our Team

We are young, persevering, and goal-oriented team, each member of which is important and valuable. Our principles are mutual respect, support, consistent exchange of knowledge. Our work is dynamic, we support the initiative and the desire to learn. With us, you will have the opportunity to grow, develop and be confident in what you are doing.

Microinvest news

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We are online from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00.

Call now 022 801 701 and we will answer all your questions or

[:ro]Specialist Call Center Microinvest[:]

Acord consimțământul companiei O.C.N. Microinvest S.R.L., IDNO 1003600053518, să prelucreze datele mele cu caracter personal în scopuri de marketing și prospectare comercială, activitate desfășurată, inclusiv prin intermediul contractării terților prestatori de servicii în acest domeniu (apeluri telefonice, e-mail-uri, SMS-uri, notificări pe site sau în aplicațiile mobile ale companiei, publicității targetate în mediul digital sau mesagerii precum: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

Acest acord poate fi retras conform mențiunilor din secțiunea Drepturile subiecților datelor cu caracter personal din politica de confidențialitate și cookies.

Dacă nu ești deacord, te rugăm să debifezi și apoi să apeși Continuă.

I agree to the processing of my personal data by NBFC Microinvest LLC, IDNO 1003600053518 for marketing and commercial purposes, activities carried out, including by concluding contracts with third-party service providers in this area (telephone, email, SMS, notifications on the website or in the company’s personal account, mobile applications, targeted advertising in the digital environment or messengers, such as: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

This consent may be revoked, as described on the Privacy Policy and Cookies page in the Rights of Personal Data Subjects section.

If you do not agree, remove the check mark and click “Continue”.

Согласен/на на обработку моих персональных данных Н.К.О. Microinvest О.О.О., IDNO 1003600053518 в маркетинговых и коммерческих целях, осуществляемой деятельности, в том числе путем заключения договоров со сторонними поставщиками услуг в этой области (телефонной связи, электронной почты, SMS, уведомлений на сайте или в личном кабинете компании, мобильных приложений, таргетированной рекламы в цифровой среде или мессенджерах, таких как: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram и др.).<br><br>Это согласие может быть отозвано, как описано на странице «Политика конфиденциальности и файлы cookie» в разделе Права субъектов персональных данных.<br><br>Если вы не согласны, удалите галочку и нажмите «Продолжить».