Is your washing machine out of order? It’s time to get a new one. The first step in choosing a washing machine responsibly is to find out more information about the main technical characteristics. Together with Enter, our partner and appliance and electronics expert, we decided to share some handy tips on choosing the best washing machine. To be sure that the purchase  worths the investment.

Here are five characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a washing machine:

  1. Choose the load capacity. Let’s do some math! How often do you wash your clothes a week? If you wash up to 4 times, you can choose a model with 4-6 kg capacity. If 6 times or more, a model with 6-8 kg capacity is more suitable. And if your machine works non-stop and you have a large family, feel free to choose a washer with 10 kg capacity.
  2. Let’s look at the wash programs, a key element of every washing machine. Cotton, linen, synthetics, delicate fabrics, or wool are just some of the basic wash cycles found in even the simplest washing machine. Don’t forget about the additional cycles: quick wash, presoak, shoe washing, etc. Recently, washers with a dryer have become very popular to freshen and dry clothes in just a few hours. Tip: Don’t chase too many features and choose what you need daily.
  3. Where do you plan to place a washer? In the bathroom? In the kitchen? Or maybe in the hallway? If you have a small apartment, you can opt for an integrated washing machine. Also, you can choose a model with top or front loading. We recommend paying attention to the noise level, as well as access to water and sewage. So that when you come home from the store, you can immediately load your clothes for washing in your new machine.
  4. Energy efficiency. By choosing a washing machine with low energy consumption, you can significantly save water and electricity. The most energy-efficient are washing machines of classes A +, A ++, and even A +++, which promise savings of up to 50%. Sounds good, especially when you get your light and water bills at the end of the month.
  5. And, of course, the brand. The choice is wide: from premium models, such as Miele, Bosch, or Electrolux, to mid-range and budget washing machines like Samsung, LG, and Hotpoint. Each manufacturer stands out for its advantages, but the final choice depends on the set budget as well as individual needs.

By the way, at Enter, you’ll find more than 13 well-known washing machine manufacturers and dozens of models for every taste. And most importantly, you can buy a new washing machine right NOW, even if you don’t have a planned budget, with a favorable loan from Microinvest.

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