It’s hard to imagine even a day without ELECTRICITY, and the first stage of a home repair from scratch starts with choosing and installing electrical equipment. Volta, our partner for years, knows best how to equip your home with quality electrical products and is ready to share its advice with us.

Let’s go through the 5 important steps in the electrical installation of a NEW HOME:

  1. We’ll start, no doubt, with the project. We recommend contacting a specialized electrician if you want everything to be installed as logically, correctly, and conveniently for you as possible. Also at this stage, it is important to plan in advance where you will place the home appliances (TV, kitchen appliances, air conditioner, etc.) not to encounter difficulties with sockets and switches, and so that everything is in place.
  2. Next, visit the store to stock up on all the necessary electrical products, from cables, sockets, and switches to light fittings. At Volta you can find them all, in the most varied assortment. Our advice is to opt for quality equipment that will ensure durability and efficiency over time but will also save you from eternal electricity problems. By the way, Volta consultants are always ready to help you with advice.
  3. The next stage is the preparation and installation of cable routes, the most difficult, long, and dusty, but also the most important process in connecting an apartment to electricity. A skilled electrician will do this as professionally as possible so that the result gives you maximum functionality.
  4. Then follows the installation of basic electrical appliances – sockets, switches, and contactors. Here the diversity is enormous, depending on capacity, functionality, and design. Take all these details into account, so that you get not only comfort and performance, but also the best possible aesthetic appearance.
  5. Once the power is connected, all that’s left to do is install the light fittings, the ones that literally bring light into our house and apartment. For lower bills and social responsibility towards the environment, we recommend opting for energy-saving light bulbs. Besides, they are even more durable over time.

We know that repair work is always a challenge, especially when you don’t have the full amount of money. Not to postpone your works from today to tomorrow, Microinvest meets you halfway. In Volta stores, you can find everything you need in the lighting and electrical appliances category. With the help of Microinvest’s home repair loans, you can start  your repair today so you can move into your new home full of comfort and well-being as soon as possible.

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