Being eco-friendly and keeping up with the latest trends of the time is an increasingly popular trend nowadays, especially among drivers. In 1994, when Toyota launched the first functional hybrid technology, people looked skeptically at eco-friendly vehicles. Today a hybrid car is a source of pride for any driver, able to offer a whole host of advantages but also the feeling that it contributes directly to stopping environmental pollution.

At Cipauto, one of Microinvest’s partners, drivers can choose cars to suit all their tastes, budgets, and needs, including hybrid models – which in the meantime have become one of the most popular choices. Because we know that a car is a long-term purchase and we all want to make the right choice, we decided to dedicate this article to hybrid cars. Or rather to the main reasons why modern drivers choose to drive hybrids.

Economical, modern and safe: the main ADVANTAGES of eco-friendly cars

The first thing we need to know about hybrid cars is the principle of their operation. They are based on an innovative system consisting of two motors – internal combustion engine and electric motor, and a high-capacity hybrid battery. The main reason for starting production of cars of this type was the high fuel price, but also responsibility for the environment. Over time, this system has evolved, and today, under the umbrella of the title of ecological car we can qualify 4 types:

Any driver who has been driving an eco-friendly car for some time will surely believe that by buying a regular vehicle in 2021 you are actually buying yourself a “problem” over time. Why? Firstly, because most of the world’s car manufacturers have set themselves the goal of producing only hybrid, plug-in, or electric cars by the year 2030. But also, because in a few years it will be increasingly difficult to sell a car with an internal combustion engine, which in the meantime will also leave its mark on the environment, due to excess CO2 emissions.

Discover 7 “good” reasons to buy a HIBRID in 2021

If we were to make a brief analysis of the cars that we see daily in Chisinau, no doubt every third model would be hybrid, especially among taxis. More and more people fully understand the economic, technical and consumer benefits of hybrid cars and this is a welcome development for our country and the world. If you’re also thinking it’s time to switch to a hybrid but still not convinced it’s the right choice for you, here are the main reasons why it’s worth getting one:

  1. They are economical. Without a doubt, the first moment in choosing a car is fuel consumption. In this regard, hybrid cars are most “fortunate” thanks to the regenerative braking system, which provides much lower fuel consumption compared to conventional engine models.
  2. They perfectly fit for both urban and country driving. What’s more, they can make good travel companions thanks to their long-range fuel efficiency, simplicity, and convenience in operation.
  3. They’re ecological. We all know that the number one drawback of internal combustion engines is CO2 pollution. Hybrid cars significantly reduce pollution levels thanks to the combination of a combustion engine and an electric motor. They also do not produce noise or smell of fuel. And efficient consumption is on top of all this.
  4. They have a low level of battery degradation (The Battery State of Health (SOH)). This coefficient indicates the state of the batteries of a hybrid or electric car. Thanks to the innovative system, the level of battery degradation in a hybrid car is around 15%, without having a major impact on the car’s operation over time. In addition, by observing the main operating conditions, we can extend battery life.
  5. They are practical, easy to maintain and repair. Along with high fuel efficiency, they offer us autonomy similar to petrol or diesel cars, with no negative environmental impact or need for plug-in charging. Many drivers are still afraid that these cars are difficult to repair and maintain. But even here you can rest assured. In the case of a failure, it is not necessary to replace the whole battery, only the defective cell.
  6. They are equipped with modern electronic sensors and innovative mechanisms. Today, drivers need not just fuel-efficient cars, but cars with all sorts of modern features included. A hybrid car can offer you a unique driving experience, safety, and convenience.
  7. They are not afraid of frost or high temperatures. Hybrid cars are equipped with battery cooling and heating systems to keep them running whatever the weather outside.

One more thing, by opting for a hybrid car you become part of a new generation of people from the start, concerned about ecology and the state of the environment and always open to something new. We guarantee that after a hybrid you’ll never want to switch back to a regular car. Come to Cipauto to get acquainted with the models available in the car park, and if you find the right car, Microinvest is ready to help you with a car loan on favorable terms.

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