The winter holidays are the time when we all want to demonstrate to our loved ones how much we love them, surprising them with special gifts, chosen and given from the heart. Otherwise, what kind of Christmas or New Year like without the traditional gifts from Santa, able to make our holidays even more beautiful and magical. All gifts are pleasant, but the most wonderful are the gifts that you have long dreamed of. That is why, before making the list of surprises for the whole family, it is worth knowing their wishes.

At Darwin, one of Microinvest’s partners, it’s always crowded on the eve of the holidays as everyone comes to stock up on smart gifts. Yes, yes, smart equipment has become a must-have in the modern world, and practically everyone dreams of finding under the tree a brand-new laptop, gadget, or smartphone. Since we’re preparing for the holidays, we decided to ask them for their expert advice on choosing the most special gifts, which are sure to come in handy if you’re short of ideas.

Choose holiday gifts with Darwin and Microinvest

It is said that a perfect gift is one given from the heart. An entirely fair statement. However, in addition to the love you give in the form of a gift, it’s important to match the wishes or needs of the people you want to surprise. That’s why it is worthwhile to prepare your ideas in advance and find out “on the sly” what the most important people in your life really want.

Here you have two options: you can go for the classic: ask directly what gifts they would like, only the element of surprise will disappear, or… you can pay attention to small but important details that will help you figure out what your friends and family members are dreaming of. On Christmas and New Year’s Eve, any gift can be magical, if you choose and give it right.

Here are 5 inspiring recommendations from the Darwin team on how to choose the right Christmas gifts and bring smiles of joy to your family:

  1. Don’t put off buying gifts until tomorrow. One of the basic rules for preparing for the holidays to go well. We all know the expression “Never put off for tomorrow, what you can do today”. To avoid running out for gifts in the last days and not finding everything you need as a result, it’s best to make a list and shop in advance, a week or two beforehand.
  2. Keep an eye on the offers of your favorite online and city stores. On holidays, discounts are the order of the day and you have every chance to choose everything you need, at holiday prices. By the way, at Darwin, you can always find the best deals on smart technology, and if you don’t have the full amount of money, Microinvest comes to your aid with loans at favourable terms and conditions.
  3. Be original. Choose creative and, last but not least, useful gifts. No one would like to give a useless gift. Practicality has also become an important element in choosing holiday gifts. What’s more, today’s creative gifts can be useful in every sense of the word, if they are chosen according to the needs and wishes of the people for whom they are intended.
  4. If you can’t decide, ask a friend or consultant for advice. Some advice in place will always be welcome, especially when choosing gifts. In Darwin stores, consultants are always eager to help you with recommendations to make the best choice. Moreover, they will also reveal the most advantageous offers, so that you leave the store with a smile.
  5. And finally, don’t forget about packing. The feeling when you open a beautifully wrapped gift, waiting for you “impatiently” under the tree, is simply magical. No matter what gift you choose, put the original packing on your list of plans. Large boxes decorated with kraft paper, Christmas elements and, of course, colourful bows are in vogue for the holidays. It looks splendid, and pleasant emotions from loved ones are guaranteed to you.

We hope you find our tips useful as you plan what gifts to choose this year for your friends and family. There are only a few days left until Christmas and New Year, and it’s already time to start looking for gifts. You already know Darwin – the location where you will surely find the most useful gifts. As for financial support, Microinvest is always at your disposal with advantageous loans to bring the magical holiday atmosphere into your home.

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