Comfort is one of the most important details in every home, able to create a pleasant and welcoming atmosphere and a state of well-being for the whole family. The furniture is responsible for comfort in our homes. Every year, furniture trends change, bringing us new inspiration and creative ways to decorate our most important rooms, from the kitchen, bedroom, or living room, to the bathroom or hallway.

The first step in choosing furniture starts with analyzing your needs, dimensions, budget, and the style that suits you best. In Bigshop online shop, one of Microinvest’s partners, you will find the most exquisite furniture sets for the whole house: modern bedrooms, kitchens, sofa beds, orthopedic mattresses, and much more. Not to get lost in too many models, in this article, we will refer to the latest trends in furniture for 2021, which will definitely make you stand out.

What furniture to choose in 2021 to keep up with fashion?

Nowadays, furniture is no longer just a decorative element but a multifunctional piece, designed for comfort and ease of daily operation. The classic decor with lots of details, exotic colors, and pompous hardware has been replaced by minimalist style. The focus was made on convenience, simplicity, and practicality. Also, this year remain in trend light shades, natural textures, and smart mechanisms, which will integrate perfectly into any room.

In general, when choosing your furniture, you have two options – to make it to order, following an individual design, or to go to a furniture store, online or in person, where standard sets in various designs are waiting for you, for all preferences and budgets. Before you decide, let’s go over the most popular furniture trends of this year:

  1. 2021 is the year of kitchens in modern style, in basic colors, and with minimalist accessories. Favorites include handleless fronts and innovative opening mechanisms.
  2. For modern living room enthusiasts, warm, natural shades are all the rage in 2021. Beige, grey, white, cream – combined with a minimalist design and stylish accessories will look great together. The effect is completed by a soft sofa in monochrome design, perfect for wonderful evenings with the whole family in front of the TV.
  3. Naturalness will also fit very well into a stylish bedroom, whether it is large or small. Here we can keep the same pastel color palette, open-space design and natural light. By the way, pastel colors will remain current in time for many years to come. If you want a change, you can purchase special bedding or add new accessories to the overall design.
  4. In the bathroom, the most important furniture detail is steam and moisture resistance. The key design secret is to let the room ‘breathe’ and not clutter it with too much furniture. We can choose a minimalist project with a roomy wardrobe and mirror.
  5. Finally, we reached the hall. The list of the most popular sets for anterooms includes models with spacious wardrobes, upholstered frames, many drawers, and a place to sit when putting on or taking off shoes, a very practical and convenient detail.

Another thing, the year 2021 also brings us freedom of choice. Whichever style of furniture you opt for, you can be sure you’ve made the right choice, with no limits on design, shades or décor. At Bigshop you will find furniture sets for all tastes, from well-known brands such as Ambianța, Sokme, Indart, Neman, Astrid-mebel, SV-Mebel. And most importantly, Microinvest is ready to help you with financial support if you haven’t managed to raise the full amount of money. We offer loans for repair, at favorable conditions, so that you can enjoy beautiful moments with your loved ones, comfort, peace, and well-being in your home.

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