Aura Taran “I always wanted my own car, Microinvest helped me realize this dream”

In the modern world, a driving woman is not uncommon any more. Moreover, according to statistics, the number of male and female drivers today is almost equal. Although the car has become a mandatory attribute of the dynamic rhythm of our life, its purchase requires a fairly large investment, which we do not always have. Car loans are a good solution in such situations, an easy way to buy the car you need, even if you don’t have the necessary amount of money.

Aura Taran, who applied to Microinvest on the recommendation of her friends, also fulfilled her dream of driving her own car. She works as a Sales Manager for a construction company, and buying a car was not only her dream but an everyday basic necessity. Being well informed about her solvency, loan terms, and other important details when applying for a loan, she made this decision responsibly and safely.

“I have never been afraid of loans, and I was once again convinced of this with Microinvest. I have long dreamed of my own car, and on the recommendation of some of my friends, I applied to Microinvest.  I can say with confidence that I was pleased to get a loan so quickly and easily. I signed the contract and received the money on the same day. The tellers were very kind and responsive people. In short, I saw firsthand that Microinvest is a successful company with a friendly and super-positive team,” told us Aura Taran when she came to pay the monthly rate on her new loan from Microinvest.

“It all depends on the credit history. Credit should be seen as an advantage, not a risk!”

An accountant by profession, Aura Taran knew from the very beginning about her solvency the amount she needed, and how much she would have to pay for the loan. All of these calculations helped her make an informed decision that turned her credit into an opportunity without risk or problems. Previously, she had already applied to our bank for a loan. However, after the experience with Microinvest, she says with confidence that it was a nice experience.

“I returned the loan very quickly, without delay, because I want to have a good credit history. The formula is simple: I knew from the very beginning how much I was paying and for what. You just need to pay on time, without delays. I always tell my friends not to be afraid of loans. They should be seen as financial support at the right time, and by turning to a responsible company like Microinvest, you really have nothing to fear,” says the client.

Aura Taran recently applied for a second loan.

Recently, several unpleasant situations have been reported in the media, when loans have led to large debts, discontent, and fines. The situation is completely different with those who apply to Microinvest and eventually become its loyal customers. It’s all about an individual approach to each client. A smart loan will benefit both parties.

“If someone asked me where to apply for a loan, I would definitely recommend Microinvest. For the second loan, I did not apply to another organization or bank, I am confident in Microinvest and the terms that it offers. In the future, I may apply for a refinancing loan to close more promptly the loan I took from the bank. Microinvest conveys positive energy. You have everything simple, and it attracts customers”, admitted to us Aura Taran with a smile.

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