Global Money Week 2019: Learn. Save. Earn.

At the end of March Microinvest held a week of financial literacy. Throughout its activities, Microinvest has supported and actively participated in the international financial literacy campaigns that are consistent with the Company’s values and principles.
On March 25-31, 2019, within the framework of the Global Money Week 2019 international campaign a series of educational events were held, informative articles were published, as well as all visitors of the Company’s website and Facebook page were invited to take a test to evaluate the financial situation of the family.
Microinvest operates throughout the country.  It tried to cover as many regions as possible to bring information to more people.
The Open Doors events were organized in the Microinvest offices in Balti and Soroca, as well as a presentation was held in Temeleuti gymnasium in Calaras region.
“We were able to transfer basic knowledge about money, economics and lending to more than 200 primary school students who attended our events. We were pleasantly surprised to see how young people were interested in finance, history and importance of money, and by their serious attitude to lending. What surprised us the most were their inquisitive questions about where and how money is made, who invented banks, and at what faculty they need to study to get a job in the future in a financial company,” said Olga Podfigurnaia, Head of Business Department. All this confirms the fact that the young generation is interested in the sphere of finance. It is interesting not only for them.  During the week, we tried to answer the most important questions that can arise from any person interested in microfinancing, namely:

How to increase your savings and reduce costs?

In which cases it is rational to borrow?

What shall we choose when applying for a loan — a Bank or a non-bank credit institution?

What is included in the loan costs?

What happens if you don’t pay one or more loan payments?

We were also pleasantly surprised by the perception of the audience both online and offline, which demonstrates the increased interest of the public and motivates us to further support financial education at the national level.

About Global Money Week 2019

Global Money Week 2019 in Moldova is part of a global financial awareness campaign to raise awareness of children and young people about money matters, which has been held for 8 consecutive years in more than 150 countries around the world at the initiative of Child & Youth Finance International (CYFI).

Today, less than 1% of children in the world have access to financial education and are involved in the financial sphere, and a billion of children live in poverty. Because of financial illiteracy, many young people are mired in loans, which has a negative impact on their development and well-being.

Thanks to access to finance and financial education, children will learn how to properly manage money.

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