[:ro]Serghei Dodon. De la o simplă pasiune, la o afacere profitabilă.[:]

From a simple passion, to a profitable business

Many persons dream of having their own business, but few have the courage create it. Serghei Dodon from Ștefan Vodă is one of those who had the courage to become entrepreneurs and never regretted the choice made. For 15 years, Serghei has been selling agricultural and household equipment, such as seeders, mowers, or cultivators, and recently opened an online store, where you can find absolutely anything, for household chores or land care. Due to the online sales and the credit offer from Microinvest, which benefited Serghei, the pandemic avoided the entrepreneur and did not prevent him from making a profit, even this year.

His love for the land and his roots of farmer laid the foundations of Serghei’s business. Having only ambitions, a dream to fulfill and the desire to work, the man opened his first store in the Ștefan Vodă city, which he called “Meseriaș“. It wasn’t long before another store opened, this time the “Meseriaș” appeared right in the capital city. Each open door meant a victory for Serghei, and the series of victories will continue, the entrepreneur assures. But now the man feels proud and grateful that an entire community of people entrusts the care for their land and home to his technique.

During the pandemic, however, things took a different turn. Sergei had to close the doors of his shops in order not to cause the spread of dangerous virus. But in order not to leave the land uncultivated and the houses unbuilt, Sergei and his employees continue to deliver everything necessary so that farmers and households can continue the spring work safely.

And if hard times shows who your friends are, then in these difficult times, Microinvest is more than ever close to its clients, helping them to overcome the pandemic and its consequences. Serghei, for example, took a loan, even during a state of emergency, so that the man could pay the price for importing a series of expensive technical tools. But this is not all. We all know how important moral support is, but also the advice of a specialist, especially in these moments. Therefore, the entrepreneur also has a personal loan officer, always ready to consult him.

“The pandemic will pass, and life must follow its usual course,” says the entrepreneur. That is why, in quarantine, the man does not waste time, but builds plans for the future. Thus, once the dangerous will leave, the entrepreneur will return with new forces. Specifically, Serghei is about to open a new store. The third “Meseriaș” is to appear in the near future, in Căușeni city.

Serghei recognizes that the land his passion as well, and agricultural work and housework, which for someone would be a burden, for him is a pleasure. The entrepreneur is convinced: this passion combined with the dream of having his own business – is the formula of his success. Of course, it took some time, a lot of work, tenacity and a trusted partner to turn his dream and ambitions into reality. So, the formula of success is simple, you just have to find your own and have the courage to apply it in practice.

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