[:ro]Gheorghe Jurcanu, model de succes în agricultură[:]

Gheorghe Jurcanu – a model of success in Agriculture

From a veterinarian in Cahul, to a farmer with 850 hectares of land on his property. It is the life story of Gheorghe Jurcanu, the man who invested all his money, 20 years ago, in agriculture, and now he is gathering the harvest. From the two decades of entrepreneurship, for more than 15 years, the man has been collaborating with Microinvest. During this time, he became convinced that in the Republic of Moldova you can also make profitable agriculture, especially if you have trusted partners.

Gheorghe Jurcanu is 52 years old and at this honorable age, the man works daily on his 850 hectares of land, in Cahul district. There, year after year, the man cultivates wheat, corn, sunflower and many other crops, which then reach to the store shelves, and later our homes. The man cares a lot about the quality of his production, because he believes this is his face. That is why Gheorghe invests in high quality seeds, with good genetics and, of course, in modern agricultural technology. Every time the man looks with pride at his harvest, because the grains are the reward of his hard work.

However, Gheorghe not always was a successful farmer. He is a veterinary by profession and for a long time, he took care of the animal welfare, but always had the idea of his own business in mind. At first, Gheorghe tried to develop a farm. But, in the end, he understood that agriculture is his vocation and started following it.

During the 20 years of activity, there were difficult periods, but also great performances. Now the man says with certainty: „Agriculture is a lottery, if you have the courage, you can win”! This year, if most entrepreneurs were affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, then Gheorghe’s business was more affected by the drought. All this time, Microinvest supports him. Thanks to the company’s financial support, the man was able to take his business to a new level. He managed to acquire high-performance agricultural equipment and to obtain the highest quality fruit. All this, motivates the farmer to continue his business, here, in the Republic of Moldova.

Gheorghe was always able to face the challenges. Moreover, this year the man bought another 66 hectares of land and even a small lake, which soon, he hopes to turn into a modern drip irrigation system. The man is also optimistic about this year’s harvest. Even though a good part of the crop has been affected by the drought, Gheorghe says that he will gather up to eight tons of grain this year.

The farmer from Cahul managed to fulfill his dream. And advises the young people to follow his example. Therefore, he comes with some recommendation: be careful what you invest in, choose your partners correctly and don’t be disappointed if you do not register an immediate profit. In agriculture, income comes in a year, two or more.”

Last but not least, the entrepreneur is convinced: „there is no success without passion”. That is why it is certain that any activity which brings you pleasure can also bring you money.

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