Global Money Week with Microinvest

During the Global Money Week, which was held between 12 and 18 March, Microinvest has organised a number of training events. The Open Doors event Day was held in Cahul; clients received consultations in all branches of the Company; educational videos about specifics of borrowing a loan were published on the Microinvest official page in Facebook.

The Global Money Week is celebrated for the seventh year in more than 137 countries of the world. In the Republic of Moldova, the National Commission for Financial Market is its initiator.

Microinvest is a social responsible organization which supports this initiative for several consecutive years. It is important to us that our clients borrow loans consciously, that their life is changing for the better, and their business develops. “We do not want the loan to become a burden due to the fact that the product itself was chosen incorrectly, that too big amount was taken or an uncomfortable repayment schedule was set”, – says Olga Podfigurnaia, the head of Business Department.

The Company staff communicated with the clients in the branches, explained them what aspects are important before taking a loan, handed out informative materials, providing answers on basic questions:

— How much can I afford to borrow?

— Do I know how much I will pay for the contracted loan?

— Do I understand all the terms and conditions of the loan agreement?

— Do I know what I should undertake, if I am not satisfied?

The answers to these questions were also given in the training videos published every day during this week on the Microinvest page in Facebook.

On Friday, March 16, a new branch of the Company in Cahul opened its doors for the 6th-grade pupils of Ion Creanga Lyceum. Children learned about the history of money, how and why they appeared, what the first money was, and what kinds of money exist.

The Company staff told about loans, their types and purposes, conducted a tour to the branch, and showed who deals with what. Children were very active, asked questions, and surprised us by their knowledge, responsible and conscious attitude to money. At the end they shared with their impressions and a new knowledge: “Loan is money that has its price” — “Prior to taking a loan, you should understand what it is for and how to repay it” — “You need to learn well to have stable and good earnings in the future.”

Microinvest is always open to answer your questions by phone: 022 801 701 or in its nearest branch, and to offer the most suitable loan to you.

Borrow wisely. Find out more.

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