Internship: wasted time or the beginning of a career? Find out the stories of four Microinvest employees

During their studies, for some students, the internship is a real challenge, and for others, it is the best start in their career. Interesting, but it is very important, and also quite difficult to choose a company that can offer everything that a young professional needs: experience, a dynamic vibe and a friendly team ready to support you at the beginning of your career.

At Microinvest, in addition to all this, you get another pleasant BONUS – the opportunity to get a job right during the internship. In precisely this way Grigore, Adriana, Catalina, and Veronica started their careers in our team. Today they are part of the Microinvest team, and they say that they made the best choice by coming to us.

Grigore, our colleague from IT, learned about Microinvest from Google.

When we have problems with laptops or other office devices, we call Grigore first. He joined our team during his internship, becoming an IT administrator. He was attracted by the fact that he can learn from colleagues with international experience while working in a Moldovan company.

“As a graduate of the Center of Excellence, I was looking for a company for internship. Microinvest was on top of Google search results.  I filled out the form and soon had an interview the first interview in my life. I was a little worried about how it would go, but everything was fine. Here I met my mentor Nika from Georgia, with a wealth of experience in everything related to IT, from whom I continue to learn now. I like the very friendly atmosphere at Microinvest, even for beginners. I’m one of the youngest employees but that didn’t stop me from quickly joining such a cool team.

Veronica has seen herself as a part of the Microinvest team since the Open Day event

Do you know what a credit analyst does? Veronica was very curious to find out about this during her first visit to Microinvest. Typically, an analyst position, especially in the area of credit risks, requires experience. At Microinvest, we demonstrated that talented young people can become analysts even as students. The same thing happened with Veronica. Today she works in the Credit Risk Department, combines her studies with her work, and simultaneously undergoes practical training.

“They say that nothing is accidental. As a third-year student of the Faculty of Finance and Banking, I took part in the Open Day event organized by Microinvest. It was a unique experience. I was able to talk openly with experts from different departments, learned how Microinvest differed from other companies, as well as how they managed to lead the market. Then everything was exactly as I had planned. I came for an interview and my background and eagerness to develop helped me get my first job offer. Thanks to a flexible schedule, I easily combine work with study and realize my wildest dreams.”

Adriana wanted to work at Microinvest since her first year in university. So said so done!

Adriana’s success story is different from the previous ones. She was in her final year when the pandemic began but nobody cancelled university internships. She had dreamed of being part of the Microinvest team since her first year, and in her third year she didn’t hesitate to send in her resume and was invited to intern despite the unstable situation surrounding the pandemic. To her great surprise and joy, on the second day of her internship, she received a job offer as a loan officer. And also, in Microinvest Adriana met her soulmate.

“Personally, the pandemic brought me pleasant and unexpected changes, I got my first job, became part of an amazing team that became my second family in two years. Here I can communicate openly on any topic with colleagues from different departments who work with passion and enthusiasm, from whom I am always learning new things and constantly developing. I advise all students to take their internships seriously and to have no doubt that working while studying is a valuable experience. For me, this decision was one of the best in recent times.”

Catalina returned to Moldova to work at Microinvest

We conclude with an equally motivating story about the success of Catalina, the retail credit counselor of the Chisinau-Botanica retail office, who daily offers the most favorable financial solutions to our clients. When she came for her internship, she didn’t think that in a short time she would become part of Moldova’s largest non-banking credit organization and discover a new, interesting job.

“For me, becoming part of the Microinvest team was not just a line in my list of accomplishments, but a new stage in my professional development. I did my internship here, and then, like many young people, I wanted to try my luck in another country and went to Romania. However, I soon decided to return to Moldova and my first important decision was to come to Microinvest. I integrated very quickly, and I was accepted from the first day as a valuable expert of the team. I feel the importance of the work I do at Microinvest, and I’m glad that every day I help people achieve their goals, at the right time.”

Grigore, Veronica, Adriana and Catalina are just some of the #MicroinvestTeam colleagues who started at Microinvest after or during their internship and took their first steps in their careers as students. If you are looking for an internship with a job opportunity, hurry up and send your resume to Microinvest. You’re guaranteed the perfect place where you can discover yourself, and be part of a young and experienced team, and build the career you’ve always dreamed of.

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