Loan Stories: How to Get What You Want Here and Now?

Do your aspirations clearly exceed your reality? This is not about Ruslan Munteanu. A resident of Botnaresti village in Anenii-Noi region always knows what he wants. Wife, three children, parents’ house in a picturesque village. He worked for 8 years in Europe. And understood: home is better. It can be a gracious living. He’d come back and found a job in Singera. He had the same salary as others. Gradually his family homed in:  they made a repair, bought some furniture, now it was a turn to furnish the bedroom. They decided to get rid of the old and uncomfortable bedroom furniture and to buy a good, long-lasting one for years.  To wait and save – it’s not about him.
“I have lived in Europe for 8 years and noticed one thing: 80% of the population lives on credit there. It’s normal for them. They live here and now, and do not wait when opportunities present themselves,” says Ruslan.
They looked out the furniture in the showroom of Tandem company.  They liked the quality and design. The price was also good.
“The idea to get a loan did not scare me, we initially understood that it would be so, but I am grateful to the girls, consultants from Tandem, for their advice to contact Microinvest,” says the man.
ID card and just an hour later the loan was issued. Ruslan was stunned by the speed and professionalism of the credit officers of the Company. “During my conversation with the Microinvest staff, they broke it down for me so clearly that no questions have arisen.” He pays for the loan in a bank at a convenient day for him; he himself chose a loan repayment schedule.

“You see, we sat down and just talked. They got to the bottom of my situation and offered the most convenient option for me. For a certain time, I will not pay interest on a loan, for example. Credit length is maximal, 3 years, but I hope I’ll reimburse the loan much faster. They explained that so it was also possible and it was very convenient. The monthly repayments do not bother me at all now, and I need a repayment holiday to go to the sea with my family.”
Maxim Slav from Comrat, Ruslan’s peer, also a hard worker and the family man, finishes the repair in his house. It’s also a parent house, but it is unrecognizable now.
“I wanted only to reset a stove but my wife convinced me to do more. What we did: the roof is new, floors, repapered walls, in general, fairly well, nice to come in. We’ll finish in a month,” says the man.
Maxim works at a local factory. He says that the salary is good, but for major expenses like repairs, he must save up for a long time.
“We don’t want to deprive ourselves; we want eat something tasty, buy something for our own pleasure. We decided to get a loan. My sister advised us to appeal to Microinvest; she is already a client of the Company and is very pleased with its service.  What struck me was that unlike banks, they did not require endless certificates and documents. Only the identity card. I told them about myself, why I needed money. We talked. Evdochia, consultant, who received me, described in every detail everything – how much to pay per month, how to reimburse as soon as possible, what will be the loan repayment schedule. The next day I went to get the materials.”
Like Ruslan, Maxim took out a consumer loan in Microinvest for 3 years, and in the same way he hopes to reimburse it earlier.
“I liked that the consultant immediately said that it was possible. They initially proposed us a schedule that prevents monthly payments to impact greatly on the family budget. It gives confidence, and when something remains we pay more, so I hope we will cope earlier,” says Maxim.
Evdochia Ciachir, the consultant of the Comrat branch, says that customers are always surprised by the fact that Microinvest officers show understanding for their position, examine the circumstances first and then offer something that is beneficial to the client.
That’s a given. After all, it is important for us that a person can pay off so that the loan does not become an unbearable burden for him. We always meet the needs on a case-by-case basis. For example, we consider not only salary as a source of income, but also money transfers from abroad. Even pensioners can get a loan from us. The maximum term of the loan is 3 years but for repeat customers, it can be 4 years; it is possible to make a repayment holiday, for example, for the first few months, moreover, the monthly amount becomes a little less. Sometimes this is important, especially when revenues depend on the season,” says Evdochia.
Comrat is a small city; many people depend on the season. According to Evdochia, most often, in summer, people get loans in Microinvest for repair. In spring financial help is needed by farmers: to buy seeds, fertilizers or equipment; as soon as summer is over, working students come to get a loan to pay for their studies. Sometimes, people get loans on a holiday and even to organize celebrations on the occasion of the wedding or christening. Someone needs a phone, furniture, refrigerator, you never know what.
“Each of us has his own needs,” says Evdochia. “I noticed that people are increasingly giving up the idea to save up for a long time. They appreciated the convenience of the loan. There is no sense to delay the repair or to wait over the years for the opportunity to get married: take a loan and get what you need here and now, and not after a few years of austerity. It’s simple.  We issue loans up to MDL 50,000 within a few hours maximum upon presentation of identity card only. At the same time, unlike banks, we do not even have an origination fee; these are already savings. The clients choose themselves the loan repayment schedules according to their capabilities, even the dates of repayment, which is also important. Someone gets a salary on the first day of the month; someone gets it on the 10th”.
Microinvest will not request collateral at obtaining a consumer loan. The main thing is your ability to reimburse the loan. You can also submit your loan application online. In this case, a consultant will call you back within just 15 minutes to inform you about decision. You can find Microinvest branches in all big cities but it is possible to repay the loan in banks, as Ruslan Munteanu does, and soon it will be possible to pay it through payment terminals.
“Above all else, it’s convenient for me, I’m okay with anything,” says Ruslan. “The most pleasant thing was that my interests were at the forefront and, based on this, the conditions have been laid down. It all worked out decently. It’s important to me.”

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