Microinvest has officially opened a new branch in Cahul

The official opening of the new office of Microinvest in Cahul took place on April 19. Business and private clients, partners, staff and the management of the Company shared the joy of this event. The event was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, there were a lot of good wishes and grateful feedbacks from current clients and partners of the Company.

The Executive Director of Microinvest Dmitri Svinarenco, in his opening speech, congratulated customers, partners and employees of the company with moving to a new, more modern office, wished to achieve new goals and record results.

“The region, where Cahul branch operates, is special and very beautiful. Different nationalities live in harmony here for centuries, preserving their culture and traditions. This further motivates us to learn the business areas presented here.

We are very pleased that our achievements demonstrate that we understand the needs of the local market. Applying individual approach to the analysis of each activity and each client, we managed to double our portfolio last year while maintaining its quality at a very high level,” said in his opening speech, Victor Focșa, Senior Loan Officer, responsible for the representative office development.

The Company office located in the heart of the city is equipped with parking spaces and it is clearly visible to the citizens. A professional polite and helpful staff, willing to offer different loan options is working in the spacious and comfortable premises decorated in modern style.

The Company’s clients point out the quality and speed of service:

“Here in Cahul, you have a very productive and efficient team. We have been working with this company for several years already, and I want to accentuate, as an entrepreneur, that it is very easy to work with your them. Despite their heavy busyness, they always find time for us, we can sit, think and find the right solution “, — mentioned Mihail Gaidarli a loyal client of the Company.

The new office is waiting for its clients at: 15/5 Republicii Avenue, Cahul. Contact telephone numbers: (022) 801 701.

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