[:ro]Afacerile autohtone susținute de Microinvest[:]

Native business backed by Microinvest, stronger than coronavirus pandemic

Cristina Ciobanu is one of the hundreds of people who turned yesterday’s dream into today’s reality. The woman managed to set up her own business in her hometown. The love and care for children, in tandem with her passion for everything that means style, gave birth to the children’s clothing brand, “Yummy Sugar”.

She founded her business in 2017, in Cimișlia and only two years later she managed to open the door of her first store in the heart of the capital city. Cristina is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also the mother of three wonderful children, that’s why she knows like no other, how important is the quality of the clothes that the little ones wear. The founder of the “Yummy Sugar” brand is proud that her clothes are made of high quality fabric. In order to buy this raw material, Cristina needed the support of Microinvest. So, the woman managed to create steamy dresses, suits only good for the little ones, but also stylish accessories, which won the hearts of children and parents across the country

“My main goal is to be useful to people and the country”, mentions the entrepreneur, that’s why, during the pandemic, the young woman directed her business for the benefit of the community and started to produce reusable cotton masks. Due to this activity, but also to the deliveries, Cristina manages to pay the salaries on time to her employees, but, at the same time, she feels that she is close to the people, in these difficult moments. And if our heroine reshaped her business in time, other entrepreneurs are helped in this regard by Microinvest. During the pandemic, the company’s customers may have an individual loan repayment schedule. Moreover, they can get a loan vacation up to nine months.

And as a loyal partner for its clients, during the pandemic, Microinvest also offers consultations for entrepreneurs, including Cristina. Her personal loan officer is always at a distance of a single phone call, to provide all the necessary information on the possibilities of credit restructuring or methods of payment during quarantine. Due to this fact, the woman does not let herself be affected by the emergency situation, instead, she makes big plans for the future. The entrepreneur is thinking of collaborating with another local clothing brand and wants to expand her business, launching a sewing service. The woman applies all her creativity and skills to create children’s clothes and she is sure that she will be able to impress the mature fashionistas as well.

From the launch until now, Cristina Ciobanu’s business has become a family business, because children are her inspiration in the creative process, and her husband is always ready to help Cristina’s idea and dream to reach everyone’s house and wardrobe.

Thanks to hard work, courage, well-defined purpose and the services offered by Microinvest, Cristina has become a business woman, a model for her children and most importantly, an active citizen of our country. This example proves once again that no dream remains unfulfilled and that it is more than possible to build a successful business.

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