Valentir Emil

The story of my business started long ago, with the start of the privatization process. This mill was owned by the state during communist times, and it all started in 1994, when I managed to buy the shares based on the estate vouchers and become the sole owner. In fact, I would never have thought […]

Igor Caraghiaur

My business story began in 2005 when I started my own business in wholesale trade. I had become a Microinvest client since then, but because of the economic instability of that period and my field of activity, I had to sell everything to repay loans and emigrate. Being abroad, I started to work for a […]

Veaceslav Duduș

I liked the idea of running a cafe or a restaurant since my student days, and the possibility of managing my own business was then just a dream. It all started in early 2017 when the idea of my own cafe chain came back into force. In July we have already opened our first Augusto […]

Todercan Daniela

I’ve never felt more confident than when I got financial help from Microinvest. Yes, that’s how I was treated by them – as a friend to whom you lend a hand when he needs it. Either to get a piece of furniture that he had long set his eye on, to start a small business […]

Vladimir Seregov

Interview within the framework of the “Microinvest – a responsible lender” campaign with Vladimir Seregov, co-owner of the “Scolnic Simion” peasant household. Hello, Vladimir. When I received your contact details, I was notified that you are in charge of growing vegetables in greenhouses… Yes, it is our field of activity. Four years ago, with my […]

Aura Taran

În lumea modernă, o femeie la volan nu mai este ceva ieșit din comun. Ba mai mult, conform datelor statistice, numărul de șoferi bărbați și femei, astăzi este practic la egalitate. Totuși, chiar dacă mașinile au devenit un must-have în ritmul dinamic de viață în care trăim, achiziționarea acestora cere o investiție destul de mare, […]

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