[:ro]Nicolae Chistruga - directorul companiei „Click Com”[:]

The business that brought progress and information to the villages of Moldova

In the 21st century, information represents a real power. One of those who takes care to bring the last news in our homes is Nicolae Chistruga, the director of the „Click Com” – internet service provider. Thanks to the services provided by his company, every second family in the city of  Drochia and over 30 villages and communes in the same district, today have Internet access. After the success registered there, the man has been working for a year, in order to connect to the Internet and Dondușeni district. With his help, during the pandemic, the television was transformed into a digital teacher. Thus, students from the two districts can learn without impediments even while schools are closed. Like any entrepreneur, Nicolae needed a start-up capital and, of course, a business partner. So, he came to Microinvest, to modernize the northern part of the country.

Now it is difficult to imagine our life without Internet. But in 2005, the vast majority of the inhabitants of Drochia district did not even dream of it. So, Nicolae decided to stimulate progress in his hometown and launched his company for providing Internet services. In the first year of activity, his team managed to connect only a few blocks of flats in the city. But, by 2010, Nicolae won the trust of the locals and brought fast Internet to practically every house in Drochia.

Year by year, the need to Internet connection became more and more strident. Also, and people’s demands increased a lot. However, Nicolae managed to keep up with progress and in 2011 launched the first fiber optic network in the city of Drochia. Three years later, in partnership with another company, the entrepreneur brought to market the first „Internet + TV” subscriptions. In the same period, Digital Television was launched in test mode – the premiere for the city of Drochia. But the most important success was in 2015, when Nicolae managed to bring the Internet to the villages in Drochia district.

The path to modernization, fast Internet and digital television would have been much longer without Microinvest. Due to the company’s financial support, the entrepreneur managed in a record time to expand the television and Internet network in Donduseni district.

The path to modernization, fast Internet and digital television would have been much longer without Microinvest. Due to the company’s financial support, the entrepreneur managed in a record time to expand the television and Internet network in Donduseni district.

During the pandemic, many things have changed in Nicolae’s business, but not his main goal: to give people access to information. The company has decided not to suspend TV and Internet services in cases of late payment. Moreover, he added 24 children’s channels to the television network, where video lessons are broadcast daily for 1st to 12th grade students, both in Romanian and Russian.

The Click Com team is convinced that the virus will withdraw soon. Therefore, they make big plans for the future. Nicolae plans to expand his Internet network in three more villages in Dondușeni district and to continue equipping the WI-FI areas in his hometown. The entrepreneur is proud, that together with his team, he can contribute to the transformation of the northern part of the country into a modern one, with informed people. He is convinced that anyone can repeat his success.

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