TOP 5 reasons to do the internship at Microinvest

The winter atmosphere is getting more and more noticeable, as well as the thought that it’s time to find the right company for your internship. This is where a lot of questions arise! How will it be? How will the team welcome me? Will I be able to manage? But what if I don’t succeed? At Microinvest, all students spend their internship dynamic, motivated and at peace. Developing young professionals is part of our #MiTeam culture. Moreover, many students soon become colleagues because they find themselves in our team and have the best mentors and atmosphere.

How can you submit your CV for an internship at Microinvest? What advantages await you in our young and cool team? How our colleagues managed combine studies, internship and job at Microinvest, find out from this article. By the way, an interesting fact – the average age of our teammates is only 28. We are young and friendly, and ready to share our experience.

Internship at Microinvest can be first step in your career

Let’s brainstorm! What do you know about Microinvest? We offer credit to hardworking people, we are leaders in non-bank lending, responsible, transparent, and protective of our customers. All Microinvest is a team of young, enthusiastic, and experienced professionals ready to provide customized financing solutions and invest in the development of each member. Every year, young people from several partner educational institutions do their internships at us.

If you haven’t yet found the right company for your college or university internship or are still not confident whether you’ve chosen the right location for this important stage in your student years, it’s definitely worth getting in touch with us. Here are just 5 reasons why Microinvest is the right place for interns eager for new knowledge and experiences:

  1. You get a comfortable and efficient environment to gain experience and understand the internal functioning of a non-bank lending organization.
  2. You are guided and supported by dedicated mentors and colleagues ready to help you whenever you have questions or uncertainties. We were also rookies and we know how important it was.
  3. If you are not from Chișinau, you can do the internship right in your city. We have 16 secondary offices in 14 regions of the country, all comfortable and adapted to the brand identity.
  4. And most importantly – you have the opportunity to take part of our company in various positions during or after your internship. What’s more, we have colleagues who got hired even before the internship began. Because they convinced us that they want and can.
  5. You have flexible schedule, to combine studies with internship and subsequently, the job at Microinvest.

By the way, all Microinvest interns completed their practice reports with flying colors, a lot of knowledge, experience, and top marks. The story of your internship can be just as beautiful if you apply to us. Interested candidates can send us their CVs at or contact us directly on our pages, website, or by phone: 022 801 701.

Come to us, it’s cool here!

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