Bocla Anatolie: “We help people feel good and confident in what they wear”

There’s a proverb that “clothes don’t make the man”. However, a well-chosen outfit that perfectly suits your style and mood can definitely make your day and make you stand out. Bocla Anatolie, the owner of a well-known tailor shop in Edinet, who helps dozens of people every day to create their perfect outfits, is convinced of this. He loved tailoring since he was a child, both his parents being tailors by profession, and when he reached the stage to choose his profession, he confidently went to the Tailor School.

The tailor from Edinet, skilled in everything

If we were to ask the residents of Edinet where in their city it is possible to sew or modify a coat, most of them would probably send us to the atelier of Mr. Anatoly, located right on the square in the center of the city. Today 7 skilled tailors work here. With Microinvest financial support the owner of the tailoring factory, Bocla Anatolie, managed to equip his production point with state-of-the-art sewing machines and equipment, suitable for all types of fabrics and tailoring.

“The passion for the craft of tailoring is in my blood from my parents. They had a tailor’s shop, and as a child, I participated in all the stages of sewing clothes and I liked this job too. I did my studies in Chisinau in this field, then I came back to Edinet where I worked as a tailoring specialist for 18 years. After the privatization, together with the team, we started working based on patent and so, little by little, I set up my small business. We sew everything we can, from tailoring clothes to different sizes to festive outfits. At weddings before the pandemic, we dressed each guest in two suits or gala dresses. However, even now we have orders, there is no garment that we couldn’t fit on”, told us enthusiastically Bocla Anatolie, while presenting his small but comfortable tailor shop.

“In the pandemic, we sewed masks for the whole city of Edinet. That helped us survive”

The main specialization of tailoring in Edinet is the repair and alteration of clothes according to individual sizes. As the owner told us, today’s market is full of all kinds of clothes, but they don’t fit everyone. Most often tailors alter clothes ordered online or sent from Europe. This spring, they were lucky enough to win a project from Edinet City Hall, which allowed them to sew masks throughout the pandemic. The secret of a tailor’s success lies not only in the availability of good specialists but also in high-performance machinery, which also requires large investments.

“We have sewing machines of all ages, some even from the 80s, left from the factory where I worked. I have kept and used them carefully, and they are still good enough for repairing simpler garments. New equipment I bought along the way, mostly in credit. It is very expensive, especially the Japanese models which require an investment of over EUR 1,800 each. But it’s worth it, those are automated machines; you just program the tasks and they work for you. Especially now because practically all clothes are made of elastic knitwear, which you can’t sew with a simple machine”, says the owner of the Edinet tailor shop.

“If you work and have income, then you have nothing to be afraid of credits, especially from Microinvest”

Adequate, well-considered investments made at the right time are likely to bring you nothing but good results. You just need to take this step as consciously as possible and apply to a responsible lending institution. Bocla Anatoly has never been afraid of credit, and after his first loan from Microinvest for the purchase of new sewing machines for his tailor shop, he understood how important cooperation with a responsible lender could be.

“I think very highly of credit, if you want to grow, it helps a lot. My collaboration with Microinvest since the first credit has proved to be productive in all respects. I explained to the credit expert my plans and needs, and he offered me the best solution. It is already my fourth credit. The last one I took for refinancing, with a higher amount and for a longer period. I care about my credit history, which is why I never delayed a creditor, even during the pandemic. We worked and paid everything on time. The secret of success is not complicated at all: money should be invested correctly and wisely, not run to waste”, says Anatolie Bocla confidently.

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