Borrow Wisely with Microinvest

Each of us has thought at least once to apply for credit, whether for personal needs, automobile, or the development of own business. To make this step safe and responsible, you must also keep in mind the need to inform yourself as detailed as possible about the entire lending process and terms of lending. At Microinvest, we want every client to make a conscious decision, to turn their credits into an advantage. In this regard, every year, already for the sixth time, October becomes the month, in which we learn how to borrow wisely and responsibly.

Why # BWC2020Because it’s a campaign that runs concurrently in over 100 organizations around the world and comes to inform people about how to borrow wisely. Microinvest is the only organization in Moldova, participating in the campaign, which informs its clients and partners every year about all stages of responsible lending and choosing a reliable creditor. This year, most of the activities were organized online, but it did not in any way influence the achievement of the basic objective of the campaign – wise loans, which bring only benefits.

Let’s take a look back.

7 Microinvest customers told about their lending experience

What can be more pleasant than a satisfied customer, who enthusiastically and proudly talks about his experience working with Microinvest, the goals achieved, and plans for the future? In October, we learned about 7 success stories of Microinvest customers, who realized their dreams with the financial support of the Company.

Each of them revealed the secret of wise credits, how to get only benefits from them, and avoid unpleasant situations related to penalties and over-indebtedness. As a responsible creditor, Microinvest contributes to the realization of the dreams of people in various fields, offering credits to improve living conditions, car loans, credits for business and agriculture. Please find the customers’ stories in the Microinvest News section.

5 complex answers to the main questions when applying for a credit

Responsible financing involves a detailed analysis and documentation of all conditions, stages and terms of lending. All this information can be enunciated in 5 basic questions that everyone should ask while applying for credit. For each question, Microinvest came up with a detailed and well-exemplified answer. All articles can be found in the Microinvest Financial Education section.

3 online seminars on responsible lending and hundreds of informed customers across the country

The entire Microinvest team was actively involved in informing customers and partners about the main stages of wise lending. The experts and operators in the subdivisions took care to remind current and potential customers of the importance of a detailed analysis of lending terms in applying for a responsible credit. Also, for the employees of three partner companies, Microinvest organised online seminars to discuss the most important stages of lending, tips, and recommendations to turn credit into an advantage.

More than 2.5 mln users have interacted with the  #ÎmprumutăÎnțeleptcuMicroinvest posts

The messages of the “Borrow Wisely” campaign were massively distributed on social networks, for a greater impact and informing as many people as possible. Thus, more than one and a half million users have interacted with posts classified under the tag #ÎmprumutăÎnțeleptcuMicroinvest. A client informed today about all terms of a wise credit, will conclude a loan agreement tomorrow, successfully realizing his plans, at the right time. This is the perfect formula for an advantageous credit.

 “Every year, in October, we go through all stages of applying for credit with our customers and partners and learn how to borrow wisely. This is one of the core objectives of our organization – to create lasting and trusting relationships with each client and partner, to ensure beautiful credit histories, prosperous businesses, and satisfied customers. We are happy to be part of a global #BWC2020 campaign and contribute to the financial education of the people of our country. We hope to reap the beautiful results of the campaign all year round,” – said Dumitru Svinarenco, Executive Director at OCN Microinvest SRL.

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