Microinvest Launches the Borrow Wisely Campaign

Chisinau, October 5th, 2018

Microinvest Launches the Borrow Wisely Campaign

— How much can I afford to borrow?

— Do I know how much I will pay monthly for the contracted loan?

— Do I understand all the terms and conditions of the loan agreement?

— Do I know what I should undertake if I am not satisfied?

How often have you asked yourself these questions and how often have you received answers to them from financial institutions? We live in a very dynamic world, everything is changing very quickly, not everything can be postponed, some things are needed right now. Therefore loans have become an integral part of the life of many people. However, in order to get the maximum benefit from this service, it’s worth knowing and understanding how it works.

In October Microinvest will launch the Borrow Wisely! Campaign. During the month, in all branches of the Company customers will be told how to calculate the loan amount, based on family income, how to make a repayment schedule, what to take the note of when signing a loan agreement, where to address if you are dissatisfied with something.

Training videos answering these questions will be posted on the Company’s official Facebook and Youtube pages. Also, any interested person can get information materials in the representative offices of the Company.

This year, customers will be able to estimate whether the family budget is correctly conducted; by answering only 13 questions of the questionnaire posted on the microinvest.md you will receive an assessment of the current state, as well as tips to improve the situation.

In addition, Microinvest will hold several awareness-raising workshops on Borrow Wisely topic in several organizations. To become one of those, contact us by phone 022 501 701 or email marketing@microinvest.md.

“Responsible lending is the basis of our Company’s activity. It is important for us that our clients are borrowing consciously, that their life is changing for the better, and their business develops. A properly selected product, the optimal loan amount and a convenient repayment schedule serve as the guarantee that the loan will benefit, and will not become an unbearable burden. That is why, for the 4th year in a row, we, the only ones in Moldova, support initiative of the Microfinance Center, which promotes international standards of customer protection and financial literacy. Besides Moldova, the campaign will be held in 15 countries of Europe and Asia: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Spain, Romania, Tajikistan, and Ukraine,” said Olga Podfigurnaia, Head of the Business Department.

Microinvest is always open to answer your questions by phone: 022 801 701 or in its nearest branch, and to offer the most suitable loan to you.

Don’t let the debts run your life. Borrow wisely. Find out more.


Microinvest is a microfinance company with foreign capital, which has been operating in Moldova since 2003. According to the National Commission for Financial Market data from 2018, Microinvest has become the largest microfinance organization in Moldova.

The Company is a reliable partner for individuals and small businesses, offering flexible and timely financing to its customers.

Microinvest is a reliable partner.

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