What do you think people fear most when they think about credit? First of all, that they will not be able to pay on time or will have to pay much more without any explanation, which will lead to a debt hole. Undoubtedly, any loan is a great responsibility and can be compared to equilibrium. You have to keep your balance and calculate every move to do what you want to do without incidents. Therefore, it is important to choose not only a favorable offer but also a lender who will take care of you and ensure balanced cooperation. Microinvest is such a lender – the only non-banking lending institution in Moldova with the Smart Campaign’s international Client Protection Certificate.
Client protection is our top priority in the lending process. We want loans to improve families’ housing conditions and help them achieve their goals without over-indebtedness or unpleasant situations that leave stains on their credit history because we care about their financial situation. In addition, we care about the share of nonperforming loans in the credit portfolio (PAR), which we want to reduce to a minimum by offering better credit services.
“I knew from the very beginning how much I was paying and for what,” says Aura Taran, Microinvest client
When a person applies for a loan to Microinvest, first of all, his financial situation is analyzed. This is an important stage based on which a decision is made on lending, and whether the requested amount can be paid on time without any problems. Yes, in some cases, we reject applications, but these decisions are for the benefit of the customers. It is better to get loan denial today than to find yourself in a difficult situation tomorrow without the ability to pay.
Aura Taran applied to Microinvest for a car loan . Well-informed about her ability to pay, loan terms, and other important details when applying for a loan, she took that step safely and responsibly. She knew from the very beginning what payment options she had, what amount she needed, and also how much she would have to pay in total. All this data helped her make a well-thought-out and balanced decision that turned her loan into an opportunity.
“I returned the loan very quickly, without delay, because I wanted to have a good credit history. The formula was simple: I knew from the very beginning how much I was paying and for what. You just need to pay on time, without delay. I always advise my friends not to be afraid of loans. They should be seen as financial support at the right time, and by turning to a responsible company like Microinvest, you really have nothing to fear.”
Find out more about Aura Taran’s lending experience at Microinvest on the Our Client Stories page
CONCLUSION: If you’ve been turned down for a loan, don’t be sad or desperate to find another lending institution that will offer you money immediately at an exorbitant interest rate. Analyze once again the situation you are in at the moment and try to find other solutions. The “right” loan should not cause problems with the monthly payment but only contribute to the faster achievement of your goals. That’s what responsible lending means.
Choose a lender who cares about you.