Happy birthday, Microinvest! 19 years of achievements and happy people

When celebrating a birthday, people usually make wishes. At Microinvest, on our birthday we set new goals for ourselves and remember the most beautiful moments of our years.

At the age of 19, we have a wealth of experience ahead of us, marked by successes and challenges. How can you do without them? Hundreds of brainstorming sessions, projects, products and processes that were successful from the start or didn’t go quite the way we wanted, meetings with clients, reports, challenges, and new ideas – all this is the life of our Company – a leader in non-bank lending, and a creditor that cares about its clients and supports them in reaching their goals on time.

And since Microinvest is, first and foremost, about people and a great team, we decided to ask our colleagues from #MiTeam, whose activities are associated with the number “19”, what Microinvest means to them.

What does “19” mean in the work of #MiTeam colleagues?

Every day we support hardworking people who need financial solutions, with our presence in 14 regions of the country with a team of more than 250 colleagues. Today we celebrate 19 years old and this number is closely related to the experience of many of our colleagues. There are people who have been working at Microinvest for only 19 days and those who have been part of the team since its foundation. Colleagues who have issued 19 loans and even colleagues who are the same age as Microinvest. We asked what Microinvest means to them.

Sergey, Retail Partners Manager, has been working at Microinvest for 19 years

“I am proud to be a part of the Microinvest team since the first year of its foundation. Here I realized myself and it motivated me at all stages of the Company’s development. All this time I have grown with it both personally and professionally. We are so different but we are united in achieving a common goal to support people in the implementation of their plans. I’m confident that there are many more great achievements ahead of us.”

Ana, Retail Loan Advisor from Comrat, has been working at Microinvest for 19 days

“My first impression of Microinvest was, Wow, I became a part of such a large company, the leader of non–bank lending! New people at Microinvest are idea generators. After 19 days in this wonderful Company, I already feel a part of a team of young, talented, and enthusiastic people.”

Marius, Business Partners Relations Manager, a peer of Microinvest

“Microinvest is more than just a lending institution, it is a team of people who are in love with their business. It’s very interesting here, I have so many colleagues I can learn from. At the same time, I’ve never felt a different attitude because of my age. Like the Company, at the age of 19, I have a lot of goals ahead of me, confidence in achieving them together with my colleagues from #MiTeam.”

Mihaela, Loan Officer at Ungheni office, issued 19 credits

“I realize that 19 credits in my loan portfolio are just a start, a small but steady one but with a team like Microinvest, every start is a step forward to new achievements. At Microinvest, we don’t just offer loans, but facilitate our clients’ goals and offer support and advice when they need it. It’s nice to be part of a team with its own values, striving for common goals, in which everyone complements each other perfectly.”

What wishes have we prepared for our birthday? New opportunities, enthusiasm in everything we do, talented people, and confidence in realizing our goals. At the age of 19, we are mature enough to confidently pursue new accomplishments and take responsibility for every action but still young enough to dream, and keep up with innovation.

Happy birthday, Microinvest. Many achievements and happy people ahead!

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