Ivan Botnar: “With Microinvest we managed to transfer more easily to ONLINE and remain optimistic even in the pandemic”

If a few years ago, Online marketing was a less known tool for small businesses in Moldova, the challenges of 2020 have clearly and bluntly demonstrated to us: the Internet is a vital platform to survive in the market, regardless of the field of activity, time or space. Ivan Botnar, one of our loyal customers, who participated in the Online Sales Promotion Techniques informative webinar organized by Microinvest, was convinced of that and won a SPECIAL BONUS –1 month of consulting in creating a Facebook Content Plan.

The Botnar family business, Vanar-Commerce SRL started in 2004, specializing in organizing training courses in various areas: PC usage, information technology, programming, design, accounting, 1C, taxation, and other business areas. His collaboration with Microinvest began in 2015 when he first applied for a loan and managed to radically change his mind about lending.

“I found out about Microinvest also on the Internet, and it seemed to me a reliable organization from the beginning. I say this because my family had an unpleasant experience with credit due to currency devaluation and misunderstanding with the bank it applied to. With Microinvest it’s a different story, based on responsiveness and understanding. After short 15 minutes discussion with the expert, we were able to find the best solution and a credit for my business. I also greatly appreciate the care and positive attitude towards customers. The August webinar was like a vector for businesses that just started promoting themselves online,” says Ivan Botnar.

“Before the webinar, I didn’t fully understand how to find customers on social media”.

The webinar was organized for business owners, who had business or agro credits at the Microinvest, and was aimed at training them in two relevant topics: “Techniques of sales promotion on Facebook and Instagram,” with Vadim Cusnir, and the “Ad placement on Google Ads and its analysis with Google Analytics,” with Ion Comendant as webinar facilitators. More than 60 entrepreneurs from Moldova working in various fields participated in that training which allowed them to gain practical knowledge on how to promote their businesses using digital promotion channels.

Ivan Botnar was one of the lucky participants who passed the quiz at the end of the webinar and won a bonus – one-month free consultancy with Vadim Cushnir, founder of the Social Media in Culise community. Due to the pandemic, the Vanar courses went entirely online and the search for customers on social networks was one of the main objectives that the Company set out to achieve. With Microinvest, this goal has become easier to achieve.

“I rarely meet companies that are willing to invest in customer relations, especially in these difficult times. Microinvest’s gesture is exemplary and long-term. It’s an investment in a lifestyle, in an ecosystem that unites customers in a community and keeps them together. Regarding the post-webinar collaboration with Ivan Botnar, I can firmly say that it was productive and engaging. We found many common points, gave him answers to all his questions, and a more explicit rendering of what works and what doesn’t on social media. Our consultancy is not over yet, we prefer to consume it gradually, as the Vanar team manages to implement all the details discussed, so that we can directly analyze the results”, says Vadim Cusnir.

“Customers need not only services but tools to achieve their goals”

Philip Kotler said that marketing is“the art of convincing customers.” Business owners will certainly agree, especially since they know better than anyone how important it is to address your customer in the most accessible way. Social Media and online advertising in general, allow us not only to address our audiences in person but also to identify them according to several criteria: interests, behavior, the social aspect. Now more than ever, entrepreneurs need to understand that the essence of a promotion strategy must be tailored specifically to these criteria. The pandemic is a context that has once again convinced us of this.

“Before the webinar, we had several attempts to make targeted ads on Facebook, but that did not always end successfully, because we did not understand how everything actually works. Some of the information we knew from our own work and the practical knowledge of the speakers was useful for a deeper understanding of how to interact with customers on Social Media, how to find them and how to address them to give them exactly what they need. Since August and so far we have already managed to implement directly in our promotion strategy some of the knowledge gained from the training and consultations with Vadim Cusnir. We understood how to make an effective advertisement on Facebook and how to target the right audience. To our delight, we already have results, small but promising. Our success is directly related to the success of our customers, and we want to offer them only the best”, says the owner of Vanar-Comert SRL, a Microinvest client.

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