Ludmila Dimitrachi: for 17 years in business, it was for the first time I got credit so quickly

Creativ-Nord SRL operates on the Moldovan market since 2004. The main specialization of the business in the northern of Moldova is frozen semi-finished products. Ludmila Dimitrachi, the founder and managing director, says that for 17 years on the market, the company has continuously developed. Recently, the founders have set the goals to acquire new, much more efficient, but rather expensive machinery.

They were able to achieve their goals with the help of the loan from Microinvest.

“To purchase a new machine for the production of pelmeni, we have taken out a loan of MDL 2.5 mln from Microinvest. A part of the invested funds was from our own resources. Previously, we have had a nice collaboration with Microinvest in partnership with a bank. Then we manage to switch from manual labor to machinery on a large part of the production processes in our factory. This time, we decided to apply directly to Microinvest and I can firmly say that it is a team of true professionals, who managed to provide us with the loan in just half a day. For 17 years in business, I have had this experience for the first time. In the morning I applied for a loan, and after lunch, I had the money in my bank account.”

Ludmila mentioned that the new equipment has considerably increased the production capacity of the plant, boosting the sales of certain types of pelmeni to almost double in size.

“We started to use the new automatic pelmeni machine, purchased in Russia, a few months ago. This device works according to an innovative technology, which has allowed us to diversify the range of tastes, shapes, and fillings of our production, in particular, pelmeni. Sales of a certain type of pelmeni that we produce have doubled, and some have increased by 50%. The company’s turnover has also increased considerably, by more than 25%.”

As Ludmila Dimitrachi told us, she also plans to diversify the product line, known as the Alexeevskie brand.

“We specialize in the production of dough blanks. We’ve started with pelmeni and dumplings. Now our assortment includes pizza, puff pastry, chops, meatballs, mici (ground meat rolls in cylindrical shape), and even kebabs. Every year we expand our range of products, to make the life of housewives as easy as possible. In the northern region, we supply our products individually, and in the south, through distributors.”

The founders of the company plan to modernize all production lines.

“Our products are appreciated and sought after by consumers, that is why we plan to further develop and expand. We are very happy with the pelmeni machine, and even plan to purchase one more, as well as other machines. We are moving towards upgrading not only the product range but also large capacity refrigerators, packaging equipment, etc. To achieve all these goals, we hope that we will benefit once again from Microinvest financial support, which will help us to move to next level of production.”

*Microinvest is the only NCO in Moldova that holds SMART Client Protection Certificate. It implies a responsible, respectful and transparent lending process, based on international principles of customer service, fair, and equitable approach.”


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