Microinvest – 20 years with hardworking people!

What is the most reliable proof of a company’s success? We believe that loyal and satisfied customers. After 20 years, Microinvest can be proud of the result we have worked for all these years – more than 14 billion MDL invested in the development of the Moldovan economy and more than 180 000 clients who have achieved their goals together with us. People with ideas, with dreams, with hopes. Families who have fulfilled their most coveted wishes and entrepreneurs who have succeeded in developing their best business ideas.

On our day, we want to tell you once again about Microinvest’s evolution, culture and people through the eyes of our loyal customers, the ones who know us best. Learn the success stories of 3 entrepreneurs who grew their businesses with us. But also, what are the main qualities that make us special on the financial market in Moldova.

Microinvest supports hardworking people in their best development plans

Hardworking people are those who do their work sincerely and with dignity, to create value and achieve their most beautiful goals. They believe, they have dreams, they manage to overcome any challenge, having reliable partners by their side and support at the right time. Bakers, tailors, farmers, doctors, woodworkers, photographers, cooks, builders – all of them and many more are our clients, the people who have managed to grow and develop together with Microinvest.

“Microinvest believed in the idea of our business and helped us to grow quickly and steadily”

Young entrepreneur Valeria Bacos, a Microinvest client, was inspired after a visit to Europe by the varied assortment of dried fruit sold in shops there. This is how she got the idea to open her own business in Moldova, specialising in the marketing of high-quality nuts, seeds and dried fruit in a diverse assortment, rich in nutrients and vitamins.

“We are a young company, but we believe that we have already managed to stand out nicely in our market, both Retail and B2B with a wide assortment of over 29 positions of nuts, dried fruits and seeds. Our business was born from the idea of promoting the consumption of vitamins and nutrients from natural, tasty and healthy products, which we consume with pleasure and confidence primarily ourselves. Microinvest has been our partner from the beginning and has helped us at every stage of development. The expert and the whole team saw potential in us and helped us exactly when we needed it, for investments in merchandise, machinery, service car and other important elements for a business to run well. We are very grateful and we will definitely call on them for further investments. We wish them many more years of fruitful activity, satisfied customers and responsible investments”, Valeria Bacoș, entrepreneur, Microinvest client.

“In financing it’s important to have responsible partners on your side who believe in you and your business. That’s what our collaboration with Microinvest is all about.”

Another business that has benefited from Microinvest’s financial support is that of young entrepreneur Ion Anghel. He started from a small shop in the market, where he sold laminate flooring in a small assortment. Today, he collaborates with manufacturers from several countries in the world, such as Turkey, China, Poland and others, offering customers the most modern and qualitative laminate models for any type of room.

“It is possible to launch successful businesses in the Republic of Moldova as well, but it takes a lot of hard work, self-confidence in the idea you want to promote and of course responsible investment. We import and distribute laminate in different price categories, both wholesale and retail. We stand out first of all by our advantageous offers and the best price-quality ratio. That matters a lot, especially in these times when everyone needs support. I have been working with Microinvest since before I founded the business. I accessed a personal loan. Then when we launched and needed capital, we turned to them without hesitation. I confidently recommend them to everyone I know, especially entrepreneurs. Their support has been very important in the development of our business. They are a team of professionals, and it shows both in the responsible financial services they offer and their evolution all these years. They have grown nicely and every day they support other businesses to grow”, Ion Anghel, entrepreneur, Microinvest client

“It’s nice when the success of your business is the primary goal of your partners. We appreciate Microinvest for being open, operational and constructive”

After working for a long time in marketing, Eugen decided to start a business on his own in custom furniture production. In a relatively short period of time, together with responsible partners such as Microinvest, the young entrepreneur has managed to implement inspiring interior design ideas with customized and quality furniture and to gather a large number of loyal customers who confidently use the services of his company.

“Behind the Nomia custom-made furniture brand stands a small but professional team. At the moment there are 11 of us, including production, and we can provide up to 18 furniture projects of varying complexity per month, with spare capacity and workspace. We have looked in great detail at every stage of development, including investment. The first 3 years are crucial to get off to a successful start. I have been Microinvest clients for a year, previously I also turned to this company for consumer loans and had a nice collaboration. As an entrepreneur, I appreciate in working with Microinvest the efficiency and constructiveness. So far, we feel the positive effect from the collaboration with Microinvest and we will definitely call for other loans. It is easy and safe to collaborate with them, and that really matters”, Eugen Șveț, entrepreneur, Microinvest client.

We know that many opportunities and obstacles await us and our clients, but we are sure that we will overcome them together. Together, we have managed to develop a successful financial company, a business model through which we responsibly and confidently achieve the most wonderful results and a unique culture of Microinvest people, who can bring positive changes to the financial, economic and social market in Moldova, despite the challenges. Because identifying opportunities in every challenge is in our DNA and we will continue to support hardworking people for at least another 20 years.

Happy birthday, Microinvest! 20 years together with hardworking people.

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