Microinvest and Soros Foundation Moldova help businesses affected by the pandemic

2020 was full of challenges for everyone, including those in the business sector, who faced major changes. In these difficult times, it’s important to get support for your business so you can move forward and not lose hope and optimism. To support businesses affected by the pandemic, Microinvest together with Soros Foundation Moldova launches a financing project for entrepreneurs.

Timely support is a business accelerator with many benefits: improved workflows, increased sales, development of the business new trends, as well as social benefits such as new jobs, economic development, higher living standards. Microinvest always welcomes entrepreneurs who need financial support to develop their businesses. And now, more than ever, it stands by the businesses that have suffered from the COVID-19 crisis, offering them the most favorable credit conditions, interest compensation for the first 6 months of the loan, and payment holiday for the body of the loan throughout this period.

Your business has a future! Take a credit now with a grant component

The aim of the project launched by Microinvest, with the support of the Soros Foundation Moldova, is to back up the investment of businesses affected by the pandemic, to help them overcome the crisis and the difficulties they faced due to COVID-19. The essence of the project consists in subsidizing the interest for the first 6 months of the loan, from the Soros Foundation Moldova resources and offering the payment holiday for the body of the loan by Microinvest. That means that in the first half of the year, your business won’t have to make any loan payments and you’ll be able to focus on your most important development goals.

The minimum loan amount with a grant component within the project makes MDL 100,000, and the maximum – MDL 1,0 mln. The offer is valid within the available budget. Loans with grant component are available to businesses in the Republic of Moldova with the following types of activity:

  1. Wholesale and retail trade
  2. Production
  3. Transport services (goods and passengers)
  4. HoReCa (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering)
  5. Cosmetic and beauty industry

Loans with grant component can only be accessed by legal entities that meet all of Microinvest’s internal eligibility criteria. Thus, applying for a business credit at Microinvest, you benefit from the payment holiday for the first 6 months of the credit. And the actual payment will not start until the seventh month. Each entrepreneur will also get the highest quality of service, consultation from specialized loan officers, and individual business approach,  to get the best solution.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the lives of many people. Health workers play a central role in ensuring the health and preservation of the lives of those affected by the disease. At the same time, businesses have an equally important role in keeping economic activity alive, which for society means the availability of the necessary products and services, and for the thousands of employees means jobs and a source of existence. The pandemic, however, brought enormous economic losses, business closures and job losses. To combat these negative effects, we decided to support businesses and, with the help of Microinvest colleagues, to offer a helping hand to entrepreneurs in crucial sectors of the national economy,” said Petru Culeac, Executive Director of  Soros Foundation – Moldova.

“We are glad to be able to help entrepreneurs who are experiencing hard times due to the COVID-19 crisis, and this financial support will help them overcome the challenges of this year more easily. We have always wanted to offer our customers the most favourable and flexible credit terms, especially those in the business sector, which make up a large part of our portfolio. Together with Soros Foundation Moldova we want to contribute to the development of business in Moldova, even during the pandemic. We believe that this financial support will bring many benefits to both the business and economic and social sectors,” said Dumitru Svinarenco, OCN Microinvest SRL Executive Director.

The project financed by the  Soros Foundation Moldova comes to support the businesses affected by the pandemic, by offering loans with grant component, with subsidized interest for the first 6 months. More details about the conditions and eligibility criteria can be found HERE.


Microinvest is a non-bank lending institution, with foreign capital, operating in the Republic of Moldova, since 2003. According to the National Financial Market Commission, Microinvest has the largest loan portfolio among non-banking lending institutions in the country.  The company offers flexible financing for individuals and small businesses, on advantageous terms and at the right time.

Soros Foundation – Moldova is a non-governmental, non-political and non-profit organization founded in 1992 by George Soros, a philanthropist. The main purpose of the organization is to promote the values of an open society in Moldova by developing and implementing a range of projects in various fields and the implementation of grant programs and operational projects.

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