We would like to inform you that as of March 06, 2019, Î.M. O.M.F. „Microinvest” S.R.L. changes its name in Non-banking Credit Organization „Microinvest” S.R.L. – Organizația de Creditare Nebancară „Microinvest” S.R.L. (O.C.N. „Microinvest” S.R.L.).
Also, starting March 07, 2019 O.C.N. „Microinvest” S.R.L. decided to recall its stamp. Authorized employees of O.C.N. „Microinvest” S.R.L shall sign acts under their own responsibility on behalf of organization, within the limits of authorizations offered by powers of attorney.
The decision was taken based on the Law no. 845-XII of January 3, 1992 on entrepreneurs and enterprises, with further modifications, according to which enterprises and entrepreneurs are not required to hold and apply its own stamp on documents of any nature. In case a law requires putting on a stamp of the enterprise or entrepreneur, the requirement is considered complied with if the document is signed by an employee authorized by the enterprise or entrepreneur.
*List of authorized employees of O.C.N. „Microinvest” S.R.L. is published on the web-site of the company.