New site from the leader of the non-banking market, Microinvest

The leader of the non-banking financial market, Microinvest, has launched a new site – stylish, easy to use and with all the necessary information for customers. The company completes the rebranding process, which consists in a complete reorganization and updating the appearance of the entire network of branches. The development of a new site was the logical conclusion of this process and another step towards customers.

The site has a new option – a back call request , the loan calculator has been supplemented with more detailed information on the loan and now allows to apply immediately. In addition, now all customers of the company have a personal account without additional registration and complex procedures. Functionality allows to see the history of your loans and full information on them, credit limit and also to apply.

“Our aim was to make a cool, modern, convenient site. It was complicated by the fact that we have 2 types of customers: entrepreneurs and individuals, as well as partners, each of whom must quickly find all the necessary information for themselves. We tried to be in touch with the wishes of all users, ”said the executive director of the company, Dumitru Svinarenco.

First User Impressions

“It’s a very beautiful site. The application has become easier, the calculator is also easy to find, you can see how much to pay and when, ” – the client.

“The new site has become easier, now you can send signed documents online, everything works fine! We have the opportunity to sell more goods by installments, customers are satisfied, and we are as well. Thank you for the new site and new features, ”- representative of Comelectro SRL partner.

“One of the most long-awaited improvements was the sending of a scanned document directly through the partner account, and not by mail. Good website design. The process of auto-approval for repeated Microinvest customers was improved. Work with the client has become faster. The loan calculator has become more convenient, a full Russian version of the site has appeared ”, – representative of Giunes SRL partner, Comrat.

“We were pleasantly surprised by the speed of processing loan applications, the answer comes very quickly and allows us to place an order quickly as well. We are happy with the clear and simple online application form ”- representative of the Panda Shop partner.

Microinvest invites everyone to visit the new site and write a review on

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