Olga Untura “We are very pleased with the results of the OVR store in its new location”

Interview with Olga Untura, Director of the OVR clothing store, conducted within the framework of the “Microinvest – a responsible lender” campaign.

Hello, Olga. I live near your store on Lev Tolstoy Street and pass almost every day nearby on my way to the supermarket. As far as I know, you haven’t been there long. When and how did you decide to change the location of your store?

I opened the store a year and a half ago. Until then our business policy was a little different. We had 6 small boutiques, located in different shopping centers. Taking into account that customers and their needs change every year, a large store also offers a higher level of service. Thus, we decided to consolidate our business into a single, large and complex store. Especially when we found a rather “popular” location, right at the entrance to a hypermarket.

A year and a half are enough to understand that you made the right decision? Are you happy with the results?

It is an understatement to say that we are pleased. Sales in the new store increased by almost 1.5 times. Customers have also changed. Yes, perhaps the requirements to our store have also increased, but now customers are ready to invest much more in quality products.

Do you specialize in selling only women’s clothing?

At the moment, yes. We have a very wide array of women’s clothes. The new store allows us to increase our assortment and even diversify it. It fits equally well for men’s clothes, fabrics and why not, even for bed linen. However, because of the pandemic situation, at the moment we are only open negotiating with our partners who would be interested in the location of our store. And on our own, we continue to invest in what we do best – women’s clothing brands.

Speaking of the pandemic, how did this affect your business?

Just recently we discussed this with our colleagues. We have noticed an inexplicable change since last November. Even December and January were not as we expected. Sales volume began to fall and not because we changed our location, we had already worked quite a long time here. In March, April and May, it was very hard. We had to close the store at that time, as did all the businesses in this country. We didn’t reopen the store until June. We were lucky that Microinvest indulged us, giving us a break in paying the loan and interest rate, during this difficult period for all of us.

OVR is a joint-stock company with years behind it and a rich history. Why did you choose Microinvest? I assume you started your financing from the banks.

With Microinvest we have been collaborating for many years. We took our first credit almost 10 years ago, and since then we have been collaborating fruitfully and become loyal customer. Sometimes we need money to replenish our stocks. Another time we took credit for repair work when we moved to the new location and were in full preparation.

However, at banks, interest rates are lower than at lending institutions. Who wouldn’t fir wish a better credit price?

An advantageous credit is not just the interest rate. In general, the difference is not as great. At Microinvest, I like the approach. It is a responsible creditor in every sense of the word. Moreover, I would say that Microinvest tried to understand as deeply as possible the specifics of our activity. It understood us and helped us in various situations. Working with someone who will objectively calculate your business revenue and come up with effective development solutions is real luck. Another plus is the operability and simplicity of the lending process, without much bureaucracy. I made sure of that not only in the case of business credit but also from my own experience when I needed credit for the repair of the apartment and the purchase of furniture. I know it may sound a little feminine, but I loved the Microinvest team because they didn’t “torment” me as the banks do.

Probably after such an advertisement, Microinvest should lower your interest rate. Lastly, I want to ask you one more question. What are your plans for the future? I realize that at this point it is not so easy to answer this question, but still…

We plan to seriously deal with the promotion of the store. We are not just talking about traditional outdoor advertising. Although in the new location, where thousands of people pass by every day, it remains very efficient. We want to be as active as possible on social networks. Digital marketing has become an important component of any business, especially when we refer to women’s clothing stores. As we have already said, we are looking for new partners to diversify the assortment. The only condition is to have a niche other than women’s clothes; we already do it and do it well.

Pavel Zingan.

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