Promoting Financial Inclusion: Microinvest and Proparco extend support to Moldovan economy with EUR 10 million Loan

Microinvest, the leading non-bank lending institution in Moldova, and Proparco, the private sector financing arm of Agence Française de Développement Group (AFD Group), are delighted to announce the successful completion of a loan transaction worth EUR 10 million, aimed at expanding financial opportunities for local individuals and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

With a distinct focus on fostering financial inclusion, Microinvest aims to utilize the loan proceeds to support MSMEs with target on businesses owned by women, young entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 35, and migrants, thereby facilitating greater economic empowerment.

This latest transaction follows Proparco’s pioneering partnership initiation with Microinvest in 2022, marking its first investment into Moldova. The successful conclusion of this new undertaking confirms the unwavering commitment and dedication of the AFD Group to boost the growth of the Moldovan economy through private sector financing, as well as continuous confidence in Microinvest’s ability to create a strong positive impact on local business environment.

By supporting a leading and responsible microfinance institution, whose mission is the financial inclusion of Moldovan entrepreneurs, particularly in the agricultural sector, Proparco is contributing to the reduction of inequalities, a strong strategic objective of its 2023-2027 strategy ‘Acting together for greater impact’!”, Stéphane Froissardey, Regional Director for Türkiye, Caucasus, Balkans, and Central Asia at Proparco.

We are deeply grateful for the invaluable support provided by Proparco. This loan serves as a catalyst for economic and social advancement. As Moldova navigates through regional geopolitical uncertainties, this financial injection sets the stage for resilience, growth, and increased opportunities for a flourishing business community“, Dumitru Svinarenco, CEO Microinvest.

Through this partnership, Microinvest and Proparco remain persistent in their mission to foster sustainable economic development, promote entrepreneurship, and create a favorable environment for businesses to thrive. The success of this loan transaction paves the way for a brighter future, reinforcing the strong foundation for continued collaboration between the two organizations and the advancement of Moldova’s economic landscape.


Proparco, a subsidiary of Agence Française de Développement Group, has been working with the private sector for over 45 years for a more just and sustainable world. With an international network of 23 local offices, Proparco works closely with its partners to build sustainable solutions in response to environmental and social challenges in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America. Proparco benefits from sector-based expertise as well as a wide range of financial solutions tailored to the different stages of business development, notably thanks to its “Digital Africa” subsidiary, and its “Propulse” technical assistance offering designed to scale up the impacts and performance of its partners.

Proparco’s new “Acting together for greater impact” Strategy 2023-2027 enables, strengthens and amplifies the different ways in which it works with its partners.

OCN Microinvest SRL is a non-banking lending organization that operates within the Republic of Moldova. Over the course of two decades, the company has effectively demonstrated its pivotal role in the Moldovan financial market by providing financial support to local businesses, agriculture, and individuals, thereby directly contributing towards the growth and development of the country’s economy. Microinvest main values are: responsibility, transparency, quality, resilience, and people.

According to the National Commission for Financial Markets, Microinvest has the largest loan portfolio among non-banking lending institutions in the country and its market share is 30%, as of the end of 2022. About 70% of its portfolio is allocated to business clients, of which, over 45% to Agri sector.

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