responsAbility Investments AG and Microinvest announce a EUR 10 million loan transaction to expand access to finance

The financial transaction between responsAbility Investments AG and the non-bank lending organization Microinvest, signed at the beginning of April, underscores the leading Swiss impact asset managers commitment to the economic and social development of the Republic of Moldova and to supporting small and medium-sized enterprises and families throughout the country.

For over 21 years, Microinvest has played a key role in the Moldovan financial market, providing financial support for the development of local businesses and farms, improving the living conditions of families and fostering to the economic and social growth of the country. With an extensive national network of 16 branches in all regions of the country and over 40,000 clients, Microinvest is a leader in non-bank lending and the only financial organization in Moldova to hold the international GOLD certificate in client protection. This means a transparent lending process, responsible financing and a constructive approach to every client’s request.

This transaction will be an important step for the local economy of the Republic of Moldova, facilitating new investment opportunities and supporting the mission of responsAbility Investments AG,  to mobilize capital and invest in emerging markets, aiming to achieve financial returns while generating a positive societal and environmental impact.

“We invest where capital is limited, particularly in emerging markets, to provide solutions to the most pressing issues of the time. Our company is always looking at how potential partnerships can benefit both investors and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), movement to create a positive impact. We are delighted to be working with Microinvest again, providing new development opportunities for families and small businesses, and laying the foundations for inclusive economic growth.” – Benoit Bouet, Head of FI Debt, EECCA & MENA.

“We work to ensure that entrepreneurs and households in our country have access to transparent and responsible financing. Partnering with responsAbility Investments AG is an important step towards enabling financial inclusion for the people of Moldova. We are grateful for their trust and support. The loan provided by responsAbility Investments AG will allow us to provide financing to more people across the country, including in rural areas.” – Dumitru Svinarenco, CEO Microinvest.

According to the NBM, Microinvest has the largest loan portfolio among non-banking lending institutions in the country and its market share is 33% as of September 2023. About 70% of portfolio is allocated to business clients, of which, over 50% to Agri sector.

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