Irina Țușca – Graduate of the Financial-Banking College from Chisinau and of the faculty “Finance and Banks” at the State University of Moldova. As a child, she was passionate about dance and wanted to become a choreographer, and now she is Deputy Chief Accountant at Microinvest.

Irina’s story in Microinvest began when she was still a college student. Irina’s teacher was the one who noticed her potential and suggested her to go on a job interview at Microinvest. All these happened in May 2014, during the last year of college for our heroine. The employment interview was scheduled for the very last day when the student – Irina had to defend her bachelor’s thesis. She postponed the interview several times that day, thinking that she probably could no longer expect a job offer. However, towards the evening, she managed to talk with the company representatives, and in 5 days she was already starting the first job in her life. In fact, Irina applied for the role of accountant, responsible for cash desk and office supplies, however, during the interview her future colleagues observed in her the skills needed to become an accountant for bank settlements.

She recalls with a smile the time that followed after she joined the company. The first two weeks were full of emotions: “I was told that there was a lot to do, I had the feeling that I don’t know many things. I was a little scared of everything that happened, but then I started to complete my tasks very quickly and ask for more things to do.” Gradually, Irina took over a significant part of the accounting operations, being responsible for bank settlements, as well as payroll, expenses, treasury and reporting to the state authorities. Due to her involvement and responsibility, in 2017 Irina got a new position – Deputy Chief Accountant.

Irina takes a lot of pride in her team, because she was able to participate in its formation. After she took over her new position, she was invited to participate in job interviews with her potential colleagues, and this once again demonstrated company’s confidence in her abilities. At the same time, Irina highly appreciates the company’s investments in transforming fresh graduates into true professionals.

“I often talk about my job as I would about a love story, maybe because I dedicate so much time to it, or maybe because it is my first job, and you know how it is … one never forgets first love! I really like my job, I enjoy everything I do, I have developed both professionally and personally, and continue to discover myself every day,” says Irina.

Irina spends her free time practicing sports, traveling, the latter is a passion that started 2 years ago from the desire to see new places: “My husband and I decided to visit as many cities as we can, to see special places. We started to “discover” Europe, mainly on foot to get the most out of new places,” says Irina enthusiastically. In the same way that Irina likes to discover beautiful cities and places, she aspires to achieve new heights in her career.

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