Veronica NeaguGraduate of the “International Relations” faculty of the State University of Moldova and of the Master’s Degree program “Communication and mediation” of the University of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. As a girl, she was dreaming to become a business woman, and today she is building a successful career within Microinvest. She started 3 years ago as Office Manager, today she holds the role of Project Manager, contributing daily to the automation and improvement of processes within the company.

Her story in Microinvest began in March 2016, when she was hired as Office Manager. Veronica says that she still remembers the invitation to the interview and how she met the company, mentioning the security she felt when discussing with company representatives. “I was pleased to note that one of the values of Microinvest is the employee and that it is ensured that everyone feels important within the company” says Veronica. In the role of Office Manager, she gained experience in systematizing documents, communicating with foreign guests, organizing the agenda and coordinating all their activities in parallel with company’s activity. Furthermore, all the acquired qualities were useful in the daily life.

A year and three months later, Veronica received the offer to become Team Leader within the Credit Administrators team. Even though it was a small team, initially made up of only two people, it helped her develop her managerial skills, by increasing the team she worked with daily and contributing to each other’s personal and professional development. In this position, she learned the process of client analysis and lending in general. “My growth took place in parallel to the growth of the team and that of the company, some processes we learned together” recalls Veronica.

A new step in her career began in the first months of 2019, due to her ability to collaborate in a team, to organize and prioritize activities, as well as her responsible attitude. Thus, Veronica was invited to join the Business Department, where ideas and development processes are generated. After weighing all the pros and cons, she chose to become a part of this department as Project Manager. “The position of Project Manager has always tempted me, because I saw the benefits of this role, which gives me the opportunity to help the whole company by integrating development projects. Each project, as a rule, involves an automation, simplification or improvement of processes, which motivates me to start another project”. Each task is different, and this means that Veronica is advancing every day and developing with the Business team and the IT team. Along with them she has learned and continues to learn many things, they are the people she is debating with, taking ideas and consulting and in the end obtaining a successful result.

Sharing her experience of more than three years in Microinvest, Veronica says she appreciates her team the most. “I like that people are open and never give generic answers to questions, colleagues are receptive to details and one always gets an answer regardless of the hierarchy. I feel that I belong here”.

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