The Luxury of Freedom of Movement and 99% of Positive Feelings!

Architect Inna Sava lovingly calls her car as “my Toyota girlie poo”, and so nourishes and cherishes it, that her neighbours joke on that point.  It’s her first car and first experience of big purchase in credit.

“I’ve got more time, I’m saving a lot of money because until now I was spending it for taxi and were losing my time moving on foot or by public transport,” says young lady.  “Now I have more opportunities, I began to take work orders outside the city, which is very nice and interesting. Money saved on taxi now goes for loan repayment. Moreover, many daily issues have been solved: both me and my family have become more mobile and active.”

At first, Inna tried to apply for a loan to the bank, whose services she has been receiving for many years. But it turned out that borrowing there a loan was not so easy. Disappointed, at the beginning Inna was about to give up on the idea, but her friend advised her to apply to Microinvest. Then the events developed very fast.  Before the young lady had realized it, she was sitting at the wheel of her own car.

“It is difficult to surprise me with something pleasant in this city, but Microinvest did it (achieved this).  It was easy: I called, we talked, and already in a couple of hours Nikolai, their employee, called me back and said that my application was approved,” Inna’s voice sounded very excited. “I went straight to them immediately and, in half an hour everything was set up! The loan was perfected in half a day, everything was very easy. In the afternoon, at about one o’clock, I went home with my own car. For a moment it seemed to me that it was too good to be real.”

Inna’s “Toyota girlie poo” is not from a car salon. For a new car she doesn’t have any money for now. Ina is pleased that she hasn’t missed the chance to buy a good car at affordable price and that inspires her: “I am actively paying off. Even if one day I earn less money, in the next – I get more, so everything balances. And the guys give me the opportunity to repay before maturity. It’s very convenient, branches are everywhere. You come and in 10 minutes you’re done.  And if my work will go further just as it goes with the car, I think I will be able to repay much before stated maturity.”

Microinvest has 12 representative offices in 10 cities. They work Saturdays and even on Sunday one can leave application on the website and get the answer. Moreover, a borrower can sign a loan agreement in Chisinau, and the guarantor – confirms his / her commitments somewhere in Cahul. And then, the borrower can receive the required amount on the spot, at the branch. Loan can be issued also in euro if it is convenient for the customer. Nikolai Deveatyi, the one who brought Inna “good news”, says that the interest rate is very favorable, but depends on many factors: extent of car wear, initial installment amount and loan term.

“It’s maximum for five years” specifies Nikolai, “and, unlike to the terms of a lease, the car will be immediately perfected on a client’s behalf, it only will be pledged to Microinvest. It is very convenient – you may travel abroad, arrange powers of attorney without wasting time on documentation. And you have no problems with payments. You can pay in any of our branches and in some banks. There are no commitments to come at the exact date; the main thing is not to be late.  Moreover, you can repay before maturity, if you had collected the required amount.”

According to Nikolai, there are many inquiries from people interested in the possibility to purchase a car on credit through Microinvest. He, personally, is taking 150 calls a day as supervisor of this direction in the Company. “It is not always convenient for people to buy new cars, it is much more expensive, plus you can buy an older car to carry goods in the fields for example.”

Inna, in her turn, managed to realize from April to June what a luxury is freedom of movement:

“This was my first loan, my first experience, I was very worried, but I see that everything is okay, 99% of positive feelings. So, I think that after this loan I will decide to borrow another one.”

With Microinvest dreams come true.

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