
Vitalie Roșca. What business worths investments in Cahul

Interview with Vitalie Rosca, co-owner of a group of companies in Cahul, conducted within the Microinvest – a responsible lender project.

Hello, Vitalie. The first question is about the group of companies. I’d like to know more about them. What do you do?

We have several directions of activity. Food, bakery, shop. At a certain point, operating in the catering business, we thought of expanding and started cater to employees of large companies. We have opened food services areas at Giurgiulesti and Draxlmaier. I should also mention the auto service and spare parts store.

Very different areas of activity. What did you start with?

I opened a pub in 2003, and a little later – a nightclub. With the pub, it went so-so, but the club was a great start. I guess you don’t remember, but I used to be a part of “nightlife.” DJ, presenter, an interview for allfun…

Usually “night people” remain in the night business forever…

I’ve had more luck. I felt the change in trends in time and moved from night to day. I’d started with the opening of a small restaurant…and what I did after may be seen from the list of activities mentioned above.

Vitalie, I have a proposal… In one of the past interviews, one of the interlocutors expressed the opinion that it is time for businesses from Chisinau to focus on investing in the regions. This is “social responsibility” – Moldova will not assert itself as a state unless the economy grows in the provinces, plus it is all cost-effective. Outside Chisinau, there are opportunities to earn. Can you talk about Cahul from this point of view?

I’ll try. The city of Cahul ranks third in Moldova by the number of inhabitants. What attracts attention – many young families with children. So a children’s entertainment centre where parents and children can spend the weekend could be an interesting location. By the way, private kindergartens would be also required.

An unexpected beginning. I thought you were going to start with the curative rest, you have special mineral waters or the proximity of the border…

The border is a special topic for discussion. The geographical position of the city itself suggests high traffic of freight transport between Ukraine and Romania. Transit always opens up new business opportunities. If we’re talking about rest, it’s not just the Nufarul Alb (White Water Lily) Sanatorium. Before the pandemic there came tourists from Russia and Germany. The city of Cahul is located in a picturesque area, where you can come for a few days or stop on the way to Bulgaria and back. We are still planning to build a small tourist complex on the lake next year. As soon as the pandemic ends. Cottages, sauna, the possibility to see and work, at will, in the nearby vineyards, to enjoy a taste of agro-tourism, to take a break from the noise of the city. Do Germans miss the country routine? We have something to show. They can milk the goat and taste the fresh milk, isn’t that restful for the city dwellers?

Okay. Kindergartens for children. Tourism and rest. Area of treatment. What else?

Cahul is an important asset for business. It’s not for nothing that Draxlmaier has its production here and the number of its employees continues to grow.

Do you mean the workforce?

Yes. With the onset of the pandemic, many labour forces have returned to the country. Not everyone wants to go back abroad. If they get a job offer – many will stay. This moment must be taken into account.  Otherwise, sooner or later, Moldova will have to import a labor force from outside the country. This is the right time to keep our country’s citizens at home. So, in Cahul, you can carry out any activity in the field of production or services, where you need manpower.

Thank you, Vitalie. Last question about the column partner. You are financed by Microinvest. Why Microinvest? In the financial market, there are so many offers…

I have the sole answer. He delivery rate and individual approach. Sometimes these are more important than interest rates. If I have a good idea and need to turn it into reality as quickly as possible, then responsiveness is a priority when choosing a lending partner. In the last 3-4 years, with the help of loans from Microinvest, we have bought both current assets and equipment. Two to three hours and the problem with financial resources is solved. Rapidness is often the key to success in business.

Pavel Zingan

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