We support Moldovan farmers with AGRI LOANS up to MDL 7,000,000

Who are the real superheroes? Those who appear to be them, or those who are actually them? We are used seeing them in movies and video games or hearing about them from sensational stories on the radio or television news. But in fact, superheroes are most often the people next to us. They wake up with the first rays of the sun. They are always in the field, in rain, wind, drought, or frost. They can even cope with natural disasters and are not afraid to take risks, no matter what. Do you know who we’re talking about? Farmers – are the real superheroes! And sometimes they also need support, motivation, and confidence.

Microinvest supports Moldovan farmers so that they can develop their businesses and implement plans at the right time. We offer Agri loans of up to MDL 7,000,000 on favorable terms and customized solutions for each entrepreneur. Whether you grow crops, fruit trees, raise livestock, keep bees, or any other traditional or more exotic area of agriculture, we have responsible financial solutions for every field. And most importantly – we are operative, transparent, and flexible because we want to grow together.

More than 17,000 entrepreneurs have grown their businesses with the support of Microinvest

In 2022, we ranked first by the number of loans disbursed in the agricultural field, being next to farmers from all over the country and covering the most diverse agricultural fields. Moreover, more than 1 billion of our portfolio are investments in the Agri sector. A prime example that we see agriculture as a key area of our country’s economy, that needs modernization.

Microinvest clients benefit from tailored and responsive financing solutions, a full range of helpful services, and a pre-approved credit limit for fast and reliable investments.  What’s more, our credit experts are with the farmers right on the spot – in the field, which helps us to better understand what farmers really need and support them when they need it.

Here are just a few of the reasons to choose an agri loan from Microinvest:

  • We offer agri loans up to MDL 7,000,000 and MDL 2,000,000 without a pledge.
  • We perform financial analysis of your business anywhere in the country, quickly and without red tape.
  • We finance 100% of your business goal and offer you the financing solution that suits you best. We are open to funding any agricultural business idea with potential and offer you the confidence and financial support you need to move forward.
  • You get a flexible repayment schedule tailored to your specific farming business. You pay rates when it’s convenient for you, without affecting your business dynamics.
  • We approve and service your credit limit free of charge, so you have year-round access to fast financing for working capital or any other business needs.
  • Agri loans at Microinvest have 0% commission at early loan repayment.

Start successfully the agricultural year with Microinvest. Apply for an Agri loan at Microinvest directly on the website or at any secondary office in the 14 regions of the country.

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