What products can be found at Wov Market, and who is behind this Microinvest-funded business?

Surely, you’ve heard on TV, radio or in the press that we should eat at least 5 fruit and vegetables a day. But how often does it work for you? Or maybe you are tired of too many apples and potatoes? World of vitamins is a new format market, located right in the heart of Chisinau, where you can enjoy the freshest exotic fruits and vegetables, as well as other delicious foods. Behind this healthy lifestyle concept is a young family of entrepreneurs who aim to bring food from the best producers close to your home.

Ecaterina Filimon, Business Administrator of Wov Market, starts every morning by checking the shop windows. At Wov Market the quality of the products and their aesthetic arrangement on the shelfs is a strict rule and highly appreciated by customers, right from the launch. How they passed the test of the first few months with a new concept and location, as well as what special products you can find at Wov Market, find out in this interview.

World of vitamins in Moldova: how did it appear, and what is the mission of this brand?

We opened the doors of Wov Market in October 2022, after a period of looking in great detail at how we could bring a rich assortment of exotic vegetables and fruits into a physical store. Opportunity found us on its own. As soon as we find an appropriate space for rent, we promptly decided. Our mission is to offer people a place where they can buy qualitative, diverse, fresh, and healthy products from the best producers. Our customers are people who are on the same wavelength as us, ready to invest in healthy food. That’s why they loved us.

What special products can be found at Wov Market?

Let’s start with the most important detail: we have the most diverse range of fresh exotic vegetables and fruits. Passion fruit, pome-granadilla, pitaya (dragon fruit), figs, lychees, carambola, mangosteen, blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are just some of the fruits on the Wov Market showcases. Once again, everything is fresh. We put a lot of emphasis on the quality of our products and offer what we like first and foremost. We are one of the few shops where unique pastries from one of the most popular domestic brands can be found. We also have special and assorted cheeses, dairy, meat, fish and seafood, chicken and eggs, pasta, sauces, and even wines on sale – everything you need to cook your favourite meals at home.

Managing product quality, inventory, window dressing, working with customers, and, in addition, managing the cosmetics store in the neighboring boutique, as well as raising two children.  How do you manage to combine all this? 

Honestly, I never thought about it. And I can’t say I’d be a superwoman either. I plan my time to succeed everywhere, and I don’t even notice that I have too much to do. My kids go to kindergarten from a young age, they are very independent. At work, I have a great team with which I collaborate nicely. That’s pretty much the secret. Surely there are always challenges, changes, and adaptations, how without them? One of the problems is finding new people for the team. We invest heavily in knowledge and experience. Employees at Wov Market are, first and foremost, people who are eager to learn and work toward a common goal. At the moment we have 7 people in the store and 15 at the distribution.

How friendly is the business environment in Moldova for young entrepreneurs?

There is always a reason that prevents you from doing something, especially when it comes to business.  To succeed, you have to act and move forward. It is not easy to start a business in Moldova, but it is not impossible either. We would like more state support, fair competition, and perhaps even consumer education. We still have work to do on these issues, but we are already seeing changes. The experience of my first business, a boutique of hair products and accessories – ProfiHairCare, helped me a lot. That’s where I hardened up. It’s the business of the heart, where we come not only with professional products but also specialized advice for proper hair care. I’ve had other attempts at business, launching a beauty salon during the pandemic. It didn’t go as planned, instead, it’s one of the most rewarding experiences.

Plans for the next 10 years: should we expect Wov Market in other locations or maybe a new idea?

One of the most frequently asked questions from our customers is: when we open stores in other locations. Of course, we plan to develop continuously, especially since we have reliable partners, such as Microinvest, which have been with us since the launch of the business. With the financial support provided, we managed to complete the repair in time and to purchase modern refrigerators and shop windows in Wov Market, for efficient storage of products and an ergonomic and atmospheric design. At the moment, we are focused on maintaining quality and the highest level in this location. But in the future, when other opportunities arise, we may open more stores so that more people have access to quality food close to home.

*Microinvest is the only non-bank credit institution in Moldova which adheres to international customer protection principles. They involve a responsible and transparent lending process, based on a fair, respectful and equitable approach to customer service.

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