Young Entrepreneurs. How to start a mirror manufacturing business?

How about a mirror that… sings? Sounds magical, doesn’t it? Not for the Millory team, which can turn any mirror into something more than just a decorative element. Since 2018, they’ve been creating custom LED lighted mirrors that can adapt light, respond to motion, and even self-clean from steam after a hot shower.

Petru Schiopu, co-founder of Millory, in his 25 years, says that he has managed to go through all the stages of business development: competition, lack of personnel, unstable flow of orders, and the need for timely funding. At the right time, he applied for financial support to Microinvest, the only organization that agreed to support the implementation of his idea. In the next 5 years, Millory plans to enter the European market, produce more than 10,000 mirrors per month and decorate people’s homes with smart mirrors that can easily replace a smartphone.

How did Millory enter the market?

Probably many people still know us as, that’s the name we used when we entered the Moldovan market in 2018, and this year we decided to change it to Millory. I had previously worked in a similar field as an employee, and that’s when the idea of opening something of my own came up. I have studied the market, trends, internet marketing, and sales strategies. Manufacturing started up fairly quickly. Sales have been going well since the first weeks, and today we are able to create unique mirrors for customers from all over Moldova, and even from abroad.

What kinds of mirrors do you create, and how do they differ from traditional models?

Our main focus is LED lighted premium mirrors. We create complex projects with various functions. There is practically no mirror function that we can’t implement. We also make make-up tables, shower cabins, and decorative panels. When we started out, it was a little difficult to explain to customers that a mirror could be more than just a decorative element. People imagined standard models from the market and were skeptical of backlit models, which also cost more. We have completely changed the design and method of mirror manufacturing. Everything is top-notch, from delivery to installation. Now this problem has gone, on the contrary, people themselves come to us with unusual ideas, and this always motivates us to discover new smart opportunities for our mirrors.

About entrepreneurship. What is it like to run a business at 25 and how difficult is it to develop in the Moldovan market?

Being an entrepreneur means always keeping yourself in good shape. Sometimes it’s complicated, sometimes it’s unexpectedly easy, and sometimes it’s very monotonous. I have already realized that everything is cyclical. I was lucky, my family helped me, especially my father. He’s my mentor in business. I’m also very grateful to Liudmila Lavric, our partner and Sales Manager, who makes sure that our clients are always satisfied with Millory services. I am surrounded by people who inspire and motivate me, charging me with the energy necessary for constant self-improvement. I believe that the location of the enterprise should not limit the development of business. We set big goals, we want to enter the European market, to manufacture mirrors for all countries of the world, but to make them in Moldova. That’s not easy, but it’s not impossible if you think it through well and set up the process rightly.

How important is funding for business? How did you start working with Microinvest?

It is impossible to develop a business without investments. You can maintain it, but not grow it up. What matters is how considered and timely the investments are. If to make them responsibly, you’ll win. If not – the contrary. We took the first loan from Microinvest for the purchase of tools and raw materials. Then – for a company car to ensure delivery and installation. For other needs, I think we also apply to Microinvest. We chose this company because it was the only one that agreed to support our ideas in the beginning. This is very important for a start-up business. We then visited several lending institutions. The company’s employees work quickly, they are open and attentive to customers and very responsive. Sometimes, when there is a lot of work, unwittingly, we are late for a day or two with payment. The expert calls us, reminds us about the loan and we pay. I didn’t have any problems or misunderstandings. Besides, we and our employees applied to Microinvest as individuals. Everything there is quick and easy.

What surprises does Millory have in store for us in the next five years?

Mirrors and mirrors again. We have some really brilliant projects. One of them is to create a mirror that completely replaces the smartphone. You wake up, you go to the bathroom, and you have all the functions of your smartphone on the mirror. A good start to the day, isn’t it? Our distributors of technical components for mirrors promise us unlimited possibilities. We also want to be present throughout Europe. Special logistics and packaging allow us to deliver our mirrors anywhere in the world. I do not know if we will open another showroom. We have felt the power of online sales and are focused on developing in the digital space. The boomerang on our logo means that everything comes back. We manufacture quality mirrors and are very happy when our satisfied customers come back to us. That’s what success in business is.

*Microinvest is the only non–bank credit institution in Moldova with international Client Protection Certificate. This certificate confirms a responsible and transparent lending process based on the principles of respectful customer service, fair and equitable treatment.

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