Business on the top! The success story of ONX Holding founded on a passion for comfort

What could be more beautiful than an urban landscape, seen from a height at night? In Chisinau, we cannot boast of skyscrapers, but we still have beautiful locations, where we can fully enjoy the panoramic view of our beloved city. Also at the top, both literally and figuratively, is ONX Holding – the business of two young entrepreneurs, specialising in interior design, turnkey repairs, apartment, and luxury car rental. The collaboration with Microinvest was a firm step in the development of this business, which turned into a close and sustainable partnership relationship.

How developed is the niche of interior design in the Republic of Moldova? How did OnTop – the premium apartment and car rental service right in the heart of the city – come to life? What is the secret of success in entrepreneurship? Find out from the interview with Ion Onta and Nicoleta Grama, the young people who stand behind ONX holding and have a lot to tell us.

Interior design: how in demand is this service in Moldova and how did the history of ONX begin?

„I took my first steps in entrepreneurship 10 years ago, after a period in real estate and construction. I understand that custom interior design and interior design is a growing field in our country and more and more people are dreaming of homes created and tailored entirely to their individual needs and preferences. We started with the repair of apartments. After that, at the customers ‘ requirements, we started to provide design services combined with the turnkey repair. A perfect tandem to make sure that the desired design will look the same in reality, with an emphasis on comfort, quality, and individuality. Our mission is to deliver unique experiences and values that combine functionality and innovation. Our source of motivation and enthusiasm are our satisfied customers and the splendid apartments we have furnished, where a warm, homely atmosphere prevails”, – Ion Onta, entrepreneur

What other services does ONX holding offer and what stages of development have you gone through?

„ONX Holding also includes our pet project OnTop, which specializes in renting apartments right in the heart of Chisinau, with the best view and service. We fell in love with this view and wanted to offer unforgettable urban experiences for our guests in Chisinau, which they will surely not forget. Our customers can also rent luxury cars with drivers and even bodyguards. OnTop apartments come with a totally new concept of comfort and functionality. Three apartments are equipped with terraces, where private parties and other events can be organized. The others have panoramic balconies for coffee-flavored mornings, regardless of the season. It is a new concept on the Moldovan real estate market and it is highly appreciated. On the interior design and repair side, we work with both Moldovan and foreign clients. We are a young team with innovative ideas, which we turn into reality from the project on paper to turnkey. In addition, we have many new projects that we can’t wait to launch”, – Nicoleta Grama, ONX Director

Is it possible to develop a business without loans? When and how did you start working with Microinvest?

„Of course, you can, but with very small steps. Financing at the right time is very important for a business if you really plan to grow continuously. We learned about Microinvest after a discussion with one of their credit experts, who presented the company’s offers in detail. I was amazed at how many advantages you can benefit from working with a leading company in non-bank lending. They are operative, flexible, and open to giving you exactly what you need. In business everything runs fast, you don’t have much time to wait, especially when it comes to investments. Microinvest can keep up with this fast pace in offering financing services, which motivated me to approach them for a loan. We now have an effective collaboration and are confident that we will get the necessary support when we need”, – Ion Onta, entrepreneur

We can’t help but ask you about the latest trends. What are this season’s interior design trends?

„Minimalism remains the basic trend. Only it’s not so cold and impersonal anymore. You can opt for warm shades, soft textures, rounded shapes, and color accents. Another popular trend is sustainability in the choice of materials. Clients more and more often opt for eco materials, such as wood, stone, cotton, and flax, which do not pollute the environment, are not harmful, both in use and in production and bring a breath of naturalness to each project. Experiments in combinations of shades and textures are also appreciated. We are fortunate to be able to give free rein to design ideas in our daily work and to draw inspiration from our customers’ ideas, for which we always find the most suitable solutions”, – Nicoleta Grama, ONX Director

And how without the traditional question: what is the key to success in business, especially for young entrepreneurs?

„To not be afraid to try new things and to not focus too much on the experiences of competitors. When you follow an individual, self-created structure, you are confident and passionate about what you do. We created the concept of our business ourselves, without taking inspiration from others. Of course, I screwed up a lot, but I also learned a lot. Plus, this part of always exploring something new keeps you in tune and not bored. Another useful tip, which I discovered over time, is to pay attention to clients requests. Often, it’s from customers that you get the great ideas you can develop in your business. Moreover, it is also important to build beautiful and trusting partnerships”, – Ion Onta, entrepreneur

*Microinvest is the only non–bank credit institution in Moldova with an international Client Protection Certificate. This certificate confirms a responsible and transparent lending process based on the principles of respectful customer service, fair and equitable treatment.

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