Discover 3 local producers who can make any holidays more beautiful

Even though the winter holidays are coming to the end, surprises and gifts for loved ones remain always relevant. If you’re looking for an unusual and impressive gift for any occasion, you’ve come to the right place. Microinvest offers some recommendations of local places and producers that can make any holidays even more beautiful.

A romantic dinner in a magical and festive atmosphere, a quality handbag, or perhaps a custom cake in your favorite flavor are just a few ideas to be inspired by. Discover the 3 businesses that have received support from the Microinvest and the services they offer.

Siesta restaurant – a perfect place for an atmospheric dinner

Entrepreneur Mihail Istrati, Microinvest client, has made his dream come true by opening his own restaurant in a picturesque place, in the center of the capital, with the most delicious pizza, good coffee and a wonderful atmosphere for a pleasant relaxation with close people. If you want to surprise your family or friends, a visit to the restaurant will definitely be the best idea. At Siesta Restaurant, celebrations can become special in a fabulous atmosphere and with the most delicious dishes.

“The idea of opening Siesta Restaurant in the center of the capital was born out of my love for putting my heart into everything I do. When I saw the space available, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to do something beautiful, connected to nature and history. What makes Siesta special is its historic location, right in the center of Valea Morilor Park, next to the green theater. We have tried to preserve the atmosphere of the building, even the floor covering has remained unchanged, emphasizing its unique character.”

“With the help of Microinvest we were able to realize most of our development projects. Any problem was quickly solved with the support of Microinvest, I am very grateful for the services provided. I especially appreciate the speed and, most importantly, the advantage of getting the necessary funding at the right time. Microinvest team has always been by our side, which makes this partnership extremely valuable for the development of our business.” – Mihail Istrati, entrepreneur, Microinvest client.

Bags from Maalex brand – gifts that you won’t miss out on

A gift idea for a loved one can be a new bag! Maalex stores, another business supported by Microinvest, offers a wide range of models in different styles and colors for both women and men.

“My journey in the business world started with a small store selling bags imported from Turkey. Over time, I faced delays in deliveries and shortages of product, so I decided to launch something of my own at home. In 2014, I registered the Maalex brand. Thus began the story of our family business, which we have been running for almost a decade now. The main feature of Maalex is the use of high-quality materials that make our bags last for years. We pride ourselves on offering stylish and modern designs for all ages and lifestyles, including bags for men, women and children.”

“Working with Microinvest has played an important role in the development of our business. Together we have managed to achieve excellent results, constantly grow and develop. The friendly Microinvest team always responds to our requests, offers us credit terms and individual approach, which is important for entrepreneurship. I really appreciate Microinvest and our good cooperation. I can confidently say that for other financing purposes we will continue to turn to them.” – Elena Tesner, female entrepreneur, Microinvest client.

Sweet Velvet sweets are the perfect complement for a holiday table

What’s a holiday table without sweets? Sweet Velvet confectionery products will certainly decorate any festive table. Moreover, they can be a great gift for loved ones, impressing with their unique flavor.

“Our business started with a deep passion for specialty desserts, which flared up during my maternity vacation. It was then that I discovered the world of pastry art and decided to develop in this fascinating field. After taking various courses from experienced masters from several countries, I launched the Sweet Velvet brand in 2019. In our patisserie, customers will find a wide range of desserts, from the classic honey cake to more exotic cakes such as Pina Colada. Some of our most popular products include our Red Velvet cake and, of course, our delicious macarons. We pride ourselves on using only quality ingredients such as almond flour and Belgian chocolate in our production.”

“Without a doubt, the partnership with the Microinvest team has been vital to Sweet Velvet’s success. From the beginning, we saw Microinvest as an open and transparent partner that offered solutions that met our needs. We appreciate their responsiveness and flexibility – values we also share with our clients. In four years of work, we have created more than 1000 custom cakes, putting a lot of heart and soul into each of them with the support of Microinvest. We are very satisfied with the cooperation and are glad that we can develop and work here at home.” – Victoria Melnic, female entrepreneur, Microinvest client.

We support entrepreneurs from Moldova in developing their successful business at home and providing quality products and services to each client. Mihail Istrati, Elena Tesner and Victoria Melnic are just some of the entrepreneurs who achieved their business goals thanks to Microinvest support.

Apply for a Business Loan at Microinvest and develop your business.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that has the international GOLD certificate in the client protection category. It means a responsible and transparent lending process, fair financing and a constructive approach to any request.

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