A friend in need is a friend indeed, and a company becomes known by SOLVING unpleasant situations

Have you ever noticed how beautiful and interesting advertising can be and how unpleasant and difficult situations are when you’re unhappy with a product? Surely, you’ve had cases of returning goods to the store: expired products, goods of inadequate quality, or simply because they do not fit. Frustration, annoyance, and wasted time. Moreover, it was also accompanied by all sorts of explanations as to why it could not be done, because of A, B, C, D … and even more reasons. After all, it is not a crime but a normal practice that needs to be perceived objectively for a balanced and fair relationship with customers.

We, at Microinvest, the only company that applies international Client Protection Standards, are always striving to become better, from products to service methods. It is for this reason that we are open to all remarks, positive or negative, and willing to resolve problems most effectively. How do we do it? It’s simple: we listen to you and try to choose the right solution for your situation so that both sides are happy. You don’t have to hang on the phone for an hour and a half to get a response from an operator or shout into a megaphone at the window to be heard and understood.

“I appreciate the care and positive attitude towards clients at Microinvest, even in unclear situations,” says Ivan Botnar, Microinvest client

What do you think the process of submitting complaints or suggestions should be, and how long should it take? In some companies, it can take forever, sometimes it’s almost impossible to find where to write or call, and with each step, you become more and more annoyed and disappointed. We don’t want to upset you, especially when you have questions, so we respond positively to any complaints, even in raised tones, and try to understand and help you.

The family of Ivan Botnar, an entrepreneur and Microinvest client, had a negative lending experience that greatly affected its financial situation during that period. But Ivan understood that he needed financial support to develop his business, so it was important to find a lender he could trust. That was how cooperation with Microinvest began.

“I learned about Microinvest from the Internet, and from the very beginning, I was sure that it was a reliable organization. I say this because my family had a not very pleasant lending experience due to devaluation and misunderstanding on the part of the bank we applied to. Microinvest is a completely different story, based on mutual understanding and trust. After a 15-minute discussion with an expert, we were able to find the best lending solution for my business. I also really appreciate the care and positive attitude towards customers, even in unclear situations.”

Read the entire success story and lending experience of Ivan Botnar, Microinvest client, on the Our Client Stories page.

The unclear situation resolved today will only benefit you over time, and if you keep silent, you will eventually make the wrong conclusion about this or that company and simply spoil your mood, nerves, and time. At Microinvest, you can report violations and clarify the situation with several simple and convenient tools because we care and protect our customers. So, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to write to us, and we will find a solution.

Choose a lender who cares about you.

Acord consimțământul companiei O.C.N. Microinvest S.R.L., IDNO 1003600053518, să prelucreze datele mele cu caracter personal în scopuri de marketing și prospectare comercială, activitate desfășurată, inclusiv prin intermediul contractării terților prestatori de servicii în acest domeniu (apeluri telefonice, e-mail-uri, SMS-uri, notificări pe site sau în aplicațiile mobile ale companiei, publicității targetate în mediul digital sau mesagerii precum: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

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I agree to the processing of my personal data by NBFC Microinvest LLC, IDNO 1003600053518 for marketing and commercial purposes, activities carried out, including by concluding contracts with third-party service providers in this area (telephone, email, SMS, notifications on the website or in the company’s personal account, mobile applications, targeted advertising in the digital environment or messengers, such as: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram, etc.).

This consent may be revoked, as described on the Privacy Policy and Cookies page in the Rights of Personal Data Subjects section.

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Согласен/на на обработку моих персональных данных Н.К.О. Microinvest О.О.О., IDNO 1003600053518 в маркетинговых и коммерческих целях, осуществляемой деятельности, в том числе путем заключения договоров со сторонними поставщиками услуг в этой области (телефонной связи, электронной почты, SMS, уведомлений на сайте или в личном кабинете компании, мобильных приложений, таргетированной рекламы в цифровой среде или мессенджерах, таких как: WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger, Telegram и др.).<br><br>Это согласие может быть отозвано, как описано на странице «Политика конфиденциальности и файлы cookie» в разделе Права субъектов персональных данных.<br><br>Если вы не согласны, удалите галочку и нажмите «Продолжить».