Entrepreneurs are hard-working people who develop their business with Microinvest

There are many secrets and strategies for building a successful business, but above all, having a clear, confidently pursued vision stands out as crucial. Equally important is investing responsibly. Whether you’re a transporter, retailer, manufacturer, farmer, engineer, or a founder in any other sector, you can develop your business confidently with a loan from Microinvest. We offer loans up to MDL 3 500 000 without collateral, providing the assurance you need to achieve your goals.

Still questioning whether now is the right moment to invest in your business’s growth? In the following sections, we’ll outline all the benefits of securing a business loan from Microinvest.

Business loans up to MDL 8 000 000 with decision in 24 hours

When you’re an entrepreneur, time can be your best friend, but also your enemy. Especially when you have to make an important investment decision. In such times, access to quick, favorable, and dependable financing becomes more important than ever. As a committed partner in the development and growth of your business, Microinvest has stood by over 20 000 entrepreneurs across the country for 20 years, helping them to expand their ventures with our support.

In 2022, we ranked 2nd among banks and non-banking financial organizations (NBFOs) in Moldova in terms of the number of business loans issued, aiding the development of over 4 000 business ideas. Grow your business with Microinvest – a partner you can trust.

Being a Microinvest client means benefiting from personalized consultations, swift financing solutions, and a pre-approved credit limit that accurately reflects your business’s development potential. Additionally, our Loan Experts engage with entrepreneurs directly at their business locations across all regions of the country. This hands-on approach allows us to understand firsthand the specific needs of businessmen and provide them with timely support.

Here are some more details worth knowing about business loans:

  • We offer loans up to MDL 8 000 000 with the possibility to obtain up to MDL 3 500 000 without collateral, taking a flexible approach to collateral conditions.
  • We perform financial analysis of businesses anywhere in the country, quickly and without bureaucracy.
  • We finance 100% of business goals and offer the most suitable financing solution. We also support the development of promising business ideas in various fields.
  • Business clients can take advantage of a customized loan repayment schedule, tailored to the type and specifics of their business, especially for the Agri sector.
  • We approve and service the credit limit free of charge, providing access to fast financing for working capital or any other business needs within two years.

Apply for a Business loan online or at any Microinvest secondary office nationwide.

Microinvest – loans for hardworking people.

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