“In business, victory is more important than participation” – Sabir Imamerov, Microinvest client

In the world of modern entrepreneurship, success stories begin with a unique idea and the dedication to realize it. This is how the story of Conditionere.md began, a company financed by Microinvest, which has established itself in the field of sales and installation of climate technology. Founded in 2012 with the purpose of providing high quality services in this niche, the company has grown from a small business to one of the market leaders, offering a wide product line.

In this interview, we will talk about Conditionere.md journey in sales, explore the company’s diverse range of products and services and the importance of partnering with Microinvest, a non-banking lending organization.

  1. How did the idea to create your own business come about and what were the first steps taken in this direction?

We started with the installation of heating systems, introducing modern and efficient technologies for the comfort of our customers. In order to optimize and improve all business processes, in 2012 we decided to expand and establish a company. Our mission was and still remains – to provide not just quality, but the best services in the field of sales and installation of climate control equipment. Our values are reflected in our motto: “victory is more important than participation”. This is what keeps us moving forward.

  1. What variety of services and products can customers find in your store?

In our store clients can find a wide range of climate equipment – from heating systems and air conditioners to radiators and gas boilers, everything you need to create an ideal microclimate in your house or apartment. Our approach to work is unique: we do not just strive to sell goods, but also carefully select equipment based on the individual needs of the client. Our goal is to earn the client’s loyalty by offering a full range of services for installation and customization of the purchased equipment.

  1. What, in your opinion, are the key components of a successful business in Moldova and what advice can you give to beginning entrepreneurs?

Successful business development in the Republic of Moldova is a complex and multifaceted process. Therefore, I prefer to share my thoughts rather than provide specific advice or recommendations. I would like to emphasize that it is important to constantly move forward, develop, make mistakes and most importantly, learn from them. Life experience, accompanied by careful analysis and lessons learned, brings excellent results.

  1. Tell us about your experience of cooperation with Microinvest?

Our partnership with Microinvest began in 2016 and was aimed at providing our customers with the opportunity to purchase goods in installments. Since then, we have found that the partnership makes our work much easier. Microinvest stands out for its responsiveness and ability to quickly analyze and provide a solution, which is important to us and our clients. We are also Microinvest’s business lending clients and appreciate our partnership for the quality of service, speed, freedom from bureaucracy, and a loan limit that is active for 3 years. This is especially important in commercial businesses where quick decision making and adaptation to changing market conditions is required. Thanks to their support, we have significantly expanded our product range and broadened our customer base, which has increased our competitiveness in the market. It has also enabled us to offer more flexible payment solutions, satisfying the needs and preferences of our customers.

  1. How useful and important is a loan for business development?

It is difficult to give the right answer about strategies for using loans in business, everything is individual for each entrepreneur. However, the key to successfully manage a loan is not just hard work, but the ability to properly invest these funds in the business model. We use the additional funding to expand our product range and improve our services, which requires strategic planning and adapting to changing market conditions. This combination allows us to maximize the benefit of our loans and create a sustainable foundation for our business development.

*Microinvest is the only financial organization in Moldova that has the GOLD certificate in the client protection category. It means a responsible and transparent lending process, fair financing and a constructive approach to any request.

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