Microinvest – 18 years with hardworking people

It is said that every age has its charm. For a young man of 18 years old it’s just the beginning. If we are talking about a company of that age, we can firmly say that it already has enough experience behind it to confidently follow its path to success. 18 years Microinvest has been with hardworking people, supporting successful businesses across the country, supporting families who want a better life and contributing daily to the achievement of the most coveted goals. What the company is based on, what kind of people work at Microinvest, and how they have developed over the years, you can find out from this anniversary article.

We believe in satisfied customers, our team, and beautiful results

Microinvest is primarily about people and dreams. The main mission of the company is to support entrepreneurs and individuals, who want to improve the quality of their life, by offering them responsible loans and personalized solutions. This makes us different from other organizations and ranks us 6th in the banking sector, with a portfolio of over MDL 2.4 billion.

We are confident that the age of a company should not be measured only in years, but also in beautiful results, satisfied employees and customers. At the age of 18, we consider ourselves eminent in all areas and strive for even more promising achievements. Here are some data that will help you understand more deeply what we do and how “generous” our portfolio is when we talk about successes:

  • More than 35,000 business goals have been achieved, 50% of which were from the Agro sector
  • More than 11,000 customers have improved their living conditions and realized their plans
  • Over 8,000 drivers have fulfilled their dream of driving their own car
  • 230 specialists from various fields work to achieve a common goal
  • 14 branches in 11 cities of the country are arranged according to the latest trends

Five curiosities about Microinvest

You know us as the number one option when you need financial support to achieve your goals. However, Microinvest is much more than just a responsible lending institution that comes to break stereotypes about bureaucracy in financing. To convince you, we invite you to discover TOP 5 interesting and curious facts about us:

  1. Since the year 2021, we have a new slogan, which perfectly highlights the purpose and mission of our company: Credits for hardworking people.
  2. We are the only lending institution in Moldova which have been rewarded with SMART, the quality certificate in the financial field, since 2015. For customers, this means a high degree of service, transparency, and fair collaboration, according to globally recognized best practices.
  3. 90% of the investments have been attracted from abroad, from development funds with foreign capital. So far, Microinvest has attracted over 150 million euros, money that has been used for local business development, including agriculture and economic development.
  4. The best ideas come to life in a team of young people with attitude. At Microinvest we focus on creating a young team, dedicated and always ready for challenges. The average age of our employees is 25 years old; we are an open-minded team, open to integration and inclusion, and free communication at all levels.
  5. And one more thing, we always try to stay authentic in all aspects, especially in marketing. That is why, in all our business promotions we use only pictures with our clients, we share their success stories and we are proud of every achievement.

“18 years of Microinvest means thousands of fulfilled goals and loyal customers, but also dedication from a perfect team. Today we can look proudly into the past and confidently into the future. Because this period, as in any person’s life, is like spring, we go through many important trials and lessons to realize in a moment that there are so many beautiful things waiting for us, that we must live beautifully. We are proud to be the promoters of responsible lending and help hardworking people achieve their goals by offering them not only financial support but also personalized solutions. Our success is actually the success of people who trust us. That’s why we strive for every day,” says Dumitru Svinarenco, Microinvest Executive Director.

Happy Birthday, Microinvest.

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